November 16

Mark 4:18-19 Those sown among the thorns … are the ones who hear the Word, but the cares of the world, and the lure of wealth, and the desire for other things come in and choke the Word, and it yields nothing.

Philippians 3:20 Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 11:16 …they were longing for a better country — a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for He has prepared a city for them.

Proverbs 29:18 Without revelation people run wild, but one who listens to instruction will be happy.

Hebrews 1:1-2 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son …

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,

May you speak the word of the Lord in love, with integrity, being no respecter of persons, but with your eyes on the Lord, obedient, without fear of man, leaving the result in His hands. Ezekiel 33

May you know the heart of the Lord and walk in His desire, taking no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but seek rather that they turn from their ways and live! Ezekiel 33

May you know the mind of the Lord, rightly dividing the Word of truth, not leaning to your own understanding, but being led by His Spirit into the truth of His will, that you may discern the path He has for you to follow, recognizing His voice from the many who speak in His name, but talk from their own lusts. Ezekiel 33

May you do the work of the Lord, expressing His love without judgment, caring for the flock, strengthening the weak, healing the sick, binding up the injured, searching for the lost and returning the strays, for they have been treated harshly and brutally by the hirelings, scattered over all the mountains and hills because they had no shepherd, and have been devoured by the enemy. Ezekiel 34

May you keep on loving each other as brothers, not forgetting to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it, and remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering. Hebrews 13

May you honor marriage as God instituted it, for He will judge those who do not. Hebrews 13

May you keep your life free from the love of money and be content with what you have because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you,’ so you may say with confidence, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?’ Hebrews 13

May you remember those through whom God has spoken His word to you, considering the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith, for Jesus Christ remains the same, yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13

May your heart be strengthened by grace, not tradition, that you will not be carried away by all kinds of strange teachings. Hebrews 13

Listen for the sound of My presence in your life. I have always been with you, but you have not always known I was there. I command the resources you need, and they come to serve you at My call.
At times, you will hear the deafening sound in the treetops of My army marching to join you in spiritual battle to overcome the enemy who strikes at My people in envy and hatred. At other times, I will give you the sound of a blossom opening, that you will know the gentleness of the Spirit’s work in your life, bringing renewal and refreshing.
Even as you have known My love through My strength, I will show you My strength through My love. Rest in My promises, and know that I am the Lord your God Who is your sufficiency.

May you be willing to follow Jesus, Whose blood makes you holy, even to bearing the disgrace He bore as He suffered outside the boundaries of society and into the unpleasant places of our culture, for we are looking beyond the present to an enduring city that is to come. Hebrews 13

May you continually, through Jesus, offer to God a sacrifice of praise – the fruit of lips that confess His name, not forgetting to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13

May you obey your leaders and submit to their authority, for they keep watch over you as those who must give an account; so obey them that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no advantage to you. Hebrews 13

May the God of peace, Who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in you what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory for ever and ever. Hebrews 13

May you give the glory to the name of the Lord because of His love and faithfulness, not keeping or claiming any of it for yourself. Psalm 115

May you trust in the Lord your God, Who is in heaven and does whatever pleases Him, and not in the idols of silver and gold, which are made by the hands of men, for those who make them will be like them, as will all who trust in them – having the appearance of life on the outside, but being cold and dead on the inside. Psalm 115

May you fear the Lord and trust in Him Who is your help and shield, for the Lord remembers you and will bless you, whether small or great, making you increase, as well as your children. Psalm 115

May you extol the Lord, both now and evermore, for though the highest heavens belong to Him, He has given the earth to man, that you may be blessed by the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Psalm 115

November 15

John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

Romans 13:10 Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law.

Romans 15:1 We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves.

Ephesians 4:16 The whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Philippians 2:7 He made Himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.

May you be content in the blessings of God, accepting what He gives you, always remaining thankful to Him, and giving all glory to Him, acknowledging what He has done, recognizing what you would have without Him, and confessing your need for Him. Ezekiel 31

May you confess that the Lord, He is God, and that He has made you, giving you all good and perfect gifts, supplying every need, and upholding you by the power of His hand, realizing and testifying that without Him you would have, and be, nothing worthwhile. Ezekiel 32

May you make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy, for without holiness no one will see the Lord. Hebrews 12

May you be careful to share the grace of God with all you know so that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many. Hebrews 12

May you live a life of purity, valuing the things of God, demonstrating to others the goodness that God fills those with who hunger for and seek after the Lord, that they may live without regrets. Hebrews 12

May you be grateful that you have not come to Mount Sinai, but to Mount Zion, to the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God, with multitudes of angels in joyful assembly, to the church of the firstborn, whose names are written in heaven, and to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. Hebrews 12

May you not refuse Him Who speaks, for if they did not escape when they refused him who warned them on earth, how much less will we, if we turn away from Him Who warns us from heaven? Hebrews 12

May you be thankful to God, Who is a consuming fire, worshiping Him acceptably with reverence and awe since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken. Hebrews 12

I have not called you to walk alone, My child, but in unity. My Spirit is drawing you, calling you, wooing you to come together and function with a singleness of vision and purpose.
Each one has their own assignment, each one walks out their own salvation, each one develops their own intimate relationship with Me, but each one returns from time spent alone in My presence with a piece of the picture that all need in order to walk in agreement.
Just as Abraham would not allow Isaac to return to find a bride, but sent Eliezer to make much of Isaac, telling of his worth, and to find one who would be drawn to him, so the Holy Spirit speaks to each heart of the worth and the love of Jesus, to find and ready a Bride, worthy of God’s Son, willing to leave all and prepare herself for Him.
I have called you to work which is yours alone, but it is to be done from the unity of fellowship, that the diversity of experience, wisdom, understanding, encouragement and empowering gifts, all from Me, may strengthen you and make you stable in the storms to come, just as many stones, fitly joined together, make a shelter for many.
Let your heart open, in vulnerability, to My Spirit in others and allow the bonds of love to grow, strengthening the connections, receiving that which each part supplies that you may know His joy of anticipation and draw many to Him, that your joy may be complete.

May you praise the Lord, as you serve Him, both now and evermore, that His name shall be praised from the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, for He is exalted over all the nations, His glory above the heavens, since there is no one like the Lord our God, the One Who sits enthroned on high and stoops down to look on the heavens and the earth. Psalm 113

May you honor the Lord Who raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap, seating them with princes of the people, and settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Psalm 113

May you tremble with the earth at the presence of the Lord, Who turned the rock into a pool and brought springs of water out of the hard rock when He brought His people out of captivity, for the sea looked on His glory and fled, the river saw His majesty and turned back, the mountains skipped and the hills shook when the Lord your God took action on your behalf. Psalm 114

May you be diligent and faithful in your duties and assignments to the end, for the Lord will reward and honor you as an overcomer. Proverbs 27:18

May you remember that a man’s heart reflects the man as water reflects a face, and guard the gates of your mind against impurity coming in. Proverbs 27:19

May you be satisfied with what the Lord your God gives you, trusting Him to know what you need, and not follow the desires of your eyes, which never know satisfaction. Proverbs 27:20

November 14

1 Peter 5:6 Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time:

2 Corinthians 12:9 And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me.

Psalm 31:14-15 The psalmist wrote, “I trusted in Thee, O Lord: I said, Thou art my God. My times are in Thy hand.”

Deuteronomy 8:2 Remember how the LORD your God led you all the way in the desert these forty years, to humble you and to test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep His commands

Matthew 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of My Father which is in heaven.

Psalm 51:1-2 Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your unfailing love; according to Your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

May you be quick to hear the Lord speak and swift to obey His command, that you will heed His word and not require His hand in order to know that He is the Lord. Ezekiel 29

May you find the grace to accept the actions of God and the judgments of God, for you know that He is righteous and holy in all He does, and no effort to circumvent His choices will be profitable, but instead seek His truth and mercy lest you see more of His power and justice. Ezekiel 30

May you fix your eyes upon Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of your faith, Who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God, surrounded by a great cloud of faithful witnesses who were all commended for their faith, but are waiting for us to throw off everything that hinders, and the sin that so easily entangles, so that we can run with perseverance the race marked out for us, since God has planned something better so that only together will they, and we, come into the full and final glory in body and soul that has been planned by God from before the foundations of the earth. Hebrews 11

May you consider Jesus, Who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12

May you recall that, unlike others, in your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. Hebrews 12

Do not fret if the journey appears to drag on past your expectations; do not fear that you may have made a wrong decision and taken a wrong turn. I am trustworthy and able, and will not leave you or misguide you, for I am not a man that I should lie; I am the True and Faithful One, your Redeemer and Shepherd, and I have laid down My life for My flock, and continue to care for you as the good shepherd does his sheep, never absent, always alert, preparing the way, never hurrying the herd, tending the injured, carrying the weak, unwaveringly devoted to, and caring for, you.
You do not know the path, for you have never been this way before, but I know it well, for I created it. When you are tired and hungry, you do not know where to find the rich pastures, but I know each location, for I have prepared them for your needs. When you thirst, you would have to search to find safe places to drink from and cross the streams, but I made each stream bed, leveling and widening places for you, calling My clouds to bring water from far away for your sake.
Trust in Me, rely on Me, listen for Me, and obey Me, taking comfort that My rod will fiercely defend you and gently direct you, while My staff will lift and extract you when you fall or get entangled, giving you freedom again. I will bring you safely to the destination, to the journey’s end; all who pass under My rod are safe, not one will be lost – I not only know you, but I have numbered your hairs and know your heart, loving you as you are, and keeping you on the journey.

May you remember the word of encouragement that addresses you as an heir: ‘My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you, because the Lord disciplines those He loves and He chastens everyone He accepts as a son.’ Hebrews 12

May you submit to the Father of your spirit and live, accepting and enduring hardship as discipline, for God is treating you as an heir, disciplining you for your good, that you may share in His holiness, painful though the process is, to produce a harvest of righteousness and peace once you have been trained. Hebrews 12

May you strengthen your feeble arms and lift your weak hands that hang down in exhaustion, and set your shaky knees firmly so that you may strive, with faith and patience, as you follow your calling in the grace of peace and holiness, making straight and level paths to follow, so that the limb which is weak will not be put out of joint, but rather be healed. Hebrews 12

May you fear the Lord and find great delight in His commands, for your children will be mighty in the land, the generation of the upright will be blessed by your faithfulness, and your house will be filled with the spiritual wealth and heavenly riches of God’s wisdom and favor as you walk in the righteousness of Christ. Psalm 112

May you be generous and lend freely, for good will come to you as you conduct your affairs with justice, and light will dawn for you even in darkness as you express the gracious, compassionate and righteous nature of Christ Jesus. Psalm 112

May your heart be steadfast, trusting in the Lord, and secure, not fearing any bad news, for having scattered abroad your gifts to the poor, you know that the name of Christ will be exalted in honor, His righteousness will endure forever, and you will look in triumph on His foes. Psalm 112

May you be blessed with friends who are used by the Spirit to sharpen your wits and understanding, even as iron sharpens iron. Proverbs 27:17

November 13

Psalm 16:3 The psalmist wrote, “I say of the holy people who are in the land, ‘They are the noble ones in whom is all my delight.’”

Hebrews 11:13 All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance. And they admitted that they were aliens and strangers on earth.

Romans 5:5 Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.

1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

Psalm 73:25 Whom have I in heaven but Thee? And besides Thee, I desire nothing on earth. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever…

Hebrews 13:6 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

May you recognize the value of the talents God has given you to make, express, produce, understand, reveal, do, create or realize, and may you willingly share the results with the Body of Christ according to each member’s needs in obedience to the leading of the Spirit, humbly giving honor to the Lord for making it possible through His empowering gifts which He provides as part of your spiritual inheritance, so that you will not take pride in it as though you yourself had done this thing by your own power and resources. Ezekiel 27

May you rest your hope in God Almighty, the Eternal One Who never fails, and not in the kingdoms or nations of the earth for each one, as surely as it rises, will just as surely decline and decay, failing at some point to provide your needs and sustain your life. Ezekiel 27

May you always remember when you are in the marketplace that you are the Lord’s steward and, as a result, conduct your business and perform your work according to God’s word, following His precepts, using your goods to the benefit of all for the praise and honor of your King. Ezekiel 27

May you know by faith that God is in each circumstance of your life, working His purpose, bringing you to His promise of blessing, turning what the enemy meant for harm, and causing good to come from it by His grace and strength and wisdom, so that all who hear will know that the Lord is the Sovereign God. Ezekiel 27, 28

May you daily remember that pride, which so easily besets us, was the downfall of God’s enemy and is the carnal inheritance of our fallen nature, from which we have been rescued by the completely finished and totally sufficient work of Jesus Christ, Savior and Redeemer of all who will humbly receive the gift of faith to believe and accept what He has done for us, turning from our own prideful efforts to rescue ourselves and yielding up the right to our own arrogant opinions of what is right or wrong so that we may receive the holy, humble, easily-entreated, wisdom from above which gives life. Ezekiel 28

May you recall, and be mindful of, the fact that, just as you have, each of those whose lives touch yours has the choice to learn from you about the Lord and worship Him or seek to influence you to follow their ways; therefore, walk in the Spirit and pray without ceasing that you may be a channel for the Word of God to be expressed through and the love of God to be demonstrated in. Ezekiel 28

May you grasp the reality that although circumstances are the tools God uses as messengers, whether annoyance and inconvenience or war and pestilence, He is glorified in His holiness and righteousness by restoring His people to safety and prosperity once they are cleansed of their sins and purged of their waywardness, for through the redemption and salvation of your life the Lord displays His truth, power, and mercy. Ezekiel 28

Where can you go to leave My presence, My child? I am everywhere, always beside you, never absent, never inattentive, always alert, fully aware of your thoughts, your words, your feelings.
However, when you choose other sources to draw from, other strengths to rely on, other comforts to turn to, My dear one, I may seem far away because the light in your heart grows dim, and the praise in your mouth grows faint, and your awareness of My Spirit fades as you move away from life and into death.
I remain as close as always, My searching one, ready to respond to the weakest whisper, the merest thought that turns back to Me, desiring My presence which has never left, seeking My love which has never been taken away, but simply going unnoticed.
My grace will never end and My love will never stop, but My Spirit will not always strive. Time will run out, so draw close, My concerned one. Do not turn your eyes away from Me and do not let go of My hand.
Wear the world loosely, My precious pilgrim, knowing its attractions are alluring but not life-giving; cling to Me to the end, and you will overcome.

May you walk in the accepting faith of Abraham, who was willing to lay down the promises he received from God, giving back to Him what he had received, trusting God is able to do what He said, no matter how impossible it seems. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the quiet faith of Isaac, who spoke the word of God into the blessings over his children, giving guidance and assurance in their walk, and healing in their relationship. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the enduring faith of Jacob, who continued to rely on God through all the tumultuous adventure of his life, giving an inheritance to his children and grandchildren which God honored. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the strong faith of Joseph, who stayed true to the task God assigned, not counting the riches and splendor of nobility to be his legacy, and exhibited his belief in the promise of God by being buried with those to whom God gave the promise of blessing, not being influenced by the culture of the world. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the steadfast faith of Amram and Jochebed, who saw the promise of God in their son, Moses, and obeyed God rather than Pharoah. Hebrews 11

May you walk in the transforming faith of Moses, who chose the promises and blessings of God, with all their discomfort and suffering, over the pleasures and ease of Egypt, regarding the “disgrace” of Christ to be of greater value than the “treasures” of the world, because he was looking ahead for his reward. Hebrews 11

May you extol the Lord with all your heart in the council of the upright and in the gathering of the people, for the works of the Lord are great and they are pondered by all who delight in them; His deeds are glorious and majestic and His righteousness endures forever. Psalm 111

May you follow His precepts in the fear of the Lord that you may gain good understanding and begin your walk in wisdom, for to Him belongs eternal praise. Psalm 111

May you proclaim how holy and awesome His name is, for He provides redemption for His people, ordaining His covenant forever; He has shown His people the power of His works, giving them the victory of His inheritance and the faithful and just works of His hands, for all His precepts are trustworthy, steadfast for ever, and done in faithfulness and uprightness. Psalm 111

November 12

Proverbs 15:1 NIV A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 11:12 NIV A man who lacks judgment derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue.

2 Corinthians 9:8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work

Isaiah 40:26 NIV Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.

Romans 12:18 NIV If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.

Galatians 5:25 NIV Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.

May you be willing to hear the Lord as He speaks to your heart, desiring to cleanse you of thoughts, habits, reflexes, responses, beliefs, preferences, actions, desires, tastes, that hinder your walk with Him and hold you back from humble obedience and the joy of His presence in your life, for He will speak as softly as you let Him, but He is willing to speak as loudly as you require of Him. Ezekiel 24

May you recall that the Lord has already given what is most dear to Him, His Son, because of His love for you, so be assured that He will not withhold any other actions which you may require Him to take, that your vision would not be blinded to, nor your heart unable to perceive, His call for you to draw near to Him, to love mercy and to do justly and to walk humbly before Him, the Sovereign Lord. Ezekiel 24

May you not rejoice or turn away when sorrow or misfortune befalls others, for God’s love is as strong for them as it is for you, and He will strengthen and protect you as you offer comfort and encouragement to them as He directs you. Ezekiel 25

May you respond without judgment or prejudice when God deals with someone by pulling down their strongholds and removing their defenses, leaving them open and vulnerable to all who pass by, for if you have not been disassembled for repair upon God’s workbench, your time will come and you will need others to support and encourage you without trying to fix or explain what has happened. Ezekiel 26

My child, think it not strange when I set you in “time out” and take away your toys, isolating you from playing with others in their games. Distractions cause you to forget to be kind and fail to share, but time spent without stimulation, without eye candy, without voices in your ears and your thoughts telling you what to feel and numbing your heart to My whispers will allow you to once again focus on My love for you.
My desire is to give you good gifts that will endure in eternity and restore your perspective, enabling you to choose life, rather than merely good or bad. I know the pain you feel, the shame and sorrow that is yours for a moment as your view of yourself is re-adjusted and your understanding of your identity in Me is realigned to My will; it is only your pride you feel – release it, and know My pride in you.
Draw close to Me and know My joy over you. Hear My Word, letting it sink into your heart, and know My life in you. Walk with Me and know My will for you.

May you receive God’s gift of faith, allowing you to be sure of what you hope for and be certain of what you do not see, for this is how you understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what is visible, and without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11

May you accept that you are an alien and a stranger on earth, a pilgrim and sojourner passing through, not belonging or fitting in, for you are looking for a country of your own, not the one you are coming out of, but longing for a better country – a heavenly one; therefore, God is not ashamed to be called your God, for He has prepared a city for you. Hebrews 11

May you rejoice in the Lord, Who is seated on His throne, ruling in authority, acting through His people, performing His deeds through the prayers of His people and the obedience of His ministers, both in the earth and in the heavens, though still surrounded by His enemies, yet daily giving you His victory. Psalm 110

November 11

Ephesians 4:26 Be angry but do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger.

Philippians 4:11 Paul wrote, “I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.”

Colossians 3:16,17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.

Hebrews 10:36-37 For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised. For, “Yet a little while, and the coming one will come and will not delay;

Romans 8:37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

May you remain true in your devotion to the Lord your God and pure in your affection toward the King, your First Love, not forgetting His gracious care or pushing Him behind your back, completely disregarding the One Who bore your sin at such a cost, but honoring your Betrothed and waiting for Him, obeying the Spirit Who is sent to ready you for the day He comes to receive you as His own, having prepared yourself to be presented without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. Ezekiel 23, Ephesian 5

May you draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having your heart sprinkled to cleanse you from a guilty conscience and having been washed with pure water, hold unswervingly to the hope you profess, for He Who promised is faithful since He opened, by the blood of Jesus, a new and living way for you into the Most Holy Place. Hebrews 10

May you consider how you may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not becoming isolated or giving up time spent in company with each other, but encourage one another, all the more as you see the Day of the Lord approaching. Hebrews 10

May you live according to the knowledge of the truth you have received, departing from deliberate sin and pleasurable fellowship with the willful and intentional enemies of God, for whom there is no sacrifice remaining, only a fearful expectation of judgment and raging fire, for if rejecting the law of Moses brought death without mercy, how much more severely will one be punished who consciously tramples the Son of God under foot, knowingly treating as unholy the sanctifying blood of the covenant and purposely insulting the Spirit of grace? Hebrews 10

May you know that your confidence will be richly rewarded if you persevere so that when you have done the will of God in the Spirit of Christ, you will receive what He has promised, for in just a very little while, He will return and gather His righteous ones who have been living by the faith of Christ, because those who shrink back in pride or fear, though they profess much, are not able to please Him. Hebrews 10

I take pleasure in the springtime of your soul, when My Spirit is moving over the hard, frozen ground of your heart, bringing the warming, thawing rains that melt and break up the resisting ground, allowing the seeds of My Truth to push through to the light as I wake them from the sleep that has held them.
The visible changes from barren cold earth to tender green, and then to lush verdant growth, draws notice from others who have known you and causes them to seek My answers in order to learn how they can receive the same rich blessings in their lives.
The time of flowering is an occasion of beauty that gladdens the hearts of all who see the delicacy of color; the diversity of shapes and sizes draws praise from the beholders, which I receive. The fragrance is heady and exhilarating, and all the senses are engaged during this time of living vigor.
My true joy and deep rejoicing, though, comes in the autumn when the harvest is gathered in, for that is the result of the persistence and endurance of those who truly believed, obeying My will, doing My work, trusting My words, through the heat of the summer, through storms and droughts, never quitting, always standing back up again if blown down by the storm or pummeled by the hail.
Though the beauty of the blossom brings pleasure to the beholder, not every flower in spring will bear fruit in autumn – only those who overcome and endure.

May you praise God, Who does not remain silent when wicked and deceitful men open their mouths against you, speaking with lying tongues and words of hatred, attacking you without cause in return for your friendship, for you remain a person of prayer. Psalm 109

May you be found innocent before your heavenly Judge when accusers oppose you, for you have an Advocate at your right hand, and your prayers for your enemies justify you. Psalm 109

May your days be many & your joys in the Lord abundant, & may He establish you in His authority. Psalm 109

May your children be many and your family increase, bringing strength and joy to you and your spouse as God multiplies your ministry and raises up many strong leaders from within them, causing you to enlarge your tent, lengthen the cords, and strengthen the stakes. Psalm 109

May your harvests be great and your storehouses open to the needy, as you share the fruits of your labor freely from the abundance God has given to bless many through your obedience. Psalm 109

May you be blessed by many for the kindness you show, and may your family be welcomed wherever they go as God sends them forth to spread the gospel and share His love, proclaiming His kingdom and bringing many into His house, that their names may be written in the Lamb’s book of life. Psalm 109

May your heritage of obedience to God continue to many generations, even as you have received the heritage of righteousness from your spiritual parents in the Lord, and may God always recall the faith you have walked in, that it will be spoken of as a testimony to nations. Psalm 109

May you wear blessing as a garment, like a cloak wrapped around you, tied like a belt forever about you, so that it overflows from within you like springs of living water wherever you go, and soaks into your bones like the oil of anointing, bringing refreshing and renewal through your touch and your words to all you encounter, for your every thought is to do kindness, and to bring joy to the heart of the poor, the needy, and the broken-hearted; so may the blessing you share come upon you, and may the pleasure of giving be always near you, for this is the Lord’s recompense to those who delight in doing God’s will. Psalm 109

May the Sovereign Lord deal well with you for His name’s sake, and deliver you because of the goodness of His love, when you are poor and needy & your heart is wounded within you, that you will not fade away like an evening shadow, or be shaken off like a locust, but be strengthened in your fasting and given authority against your accusers. Psalm 109

May the Lord your God help you and save you in accordance with His love, that your accusers will know that it is the hand of the Lord that has done it, and that He has blessed you when they sought to curse you, and that as you serve your Lord and King, you will overcome in victory when they attack, while they will be clothed in disgrace. Psalm 109

May you greatly extol the Lord with the words of your mouth, praising Him in the great throng, for He stands at the right hand of the needy one to save his life from those who condemn him. Psalm 109

November 10

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.

Colossians 3:16 Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom He gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts.

Philippians 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Deuteronomy 15:11 For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land.

Luke 6:38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

1 Peter 3:10-12 Let him who means to love life and see good days refrain his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking guile. And let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. For the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and His ears attend to their prayer…

May you understand beforehand, and realize prior to the occurrence, that the time of testing will surely come, and it will come upon the righteous and unrighteous alike, causing every heart to melt and every hand go limp, every spirit to faint and every knee to be as weak as water, for what the Sovereign Lord declares will surely take place, so that all people will know that the Lord is the one doing it; but do not forget that though the sins of the land must be punished, His reward is with Him and the exalted shall be brought low and the lowly shall be exalted – those whom He brings home will be received with joy and those who continue in His harvest field will be strengthened. Ezekiel 21

May you walk in the honesty and integrity of the Lord, not using your strength or reputation or connections to treat others with contempt, ignoring their needs, oppressing the weak, despising the holy things of the Lord, but remembering Who the Lord is, and searching out His will in humility, sorrowing over the violence done in His name, sharing the joy of His promises with others, strengthening the hands of the weak that they may endure and see the salvation of God. Ezekiel 22

May you set your sights on the high promise of God, not settling for the achievements of your own strength and wisdom, just as men refine ore to get the silver from the rock, leaving behind the copper, lead, tin and iron; although the other metals are good, useful, and have value, they pale in comparison to the precious value and incomparable worth of silver, just as the redemptive work of Christ is beyond compare to any wealth or power man can achieve. Ezekiel 22

May you distinguish between the holy and the common in all you do and say, teaching and demonstrating the difference between the clean and the unclean, not white-washing the unjust deeds of the rich and powerful, but making a distinction between the Word of God and the words of men, however noble, giving honor to the ways of God over the ways of the world, for then the Lord will have the person He looks for to build up the wall and stand in the gap before Him with intercession. Ezekiel 22

This is My desire: to see you draw near with a hunger and a desperation inside that burns like a fire in your bones and gives you no rest until you hear from Me.
Give Me no rest until I answer you; I delight in My children pursuing Me relentlessly, persistently, determinedly, refusing to release Me until they have My answer.
I will answer the heart that approaches Me like this, coming in boldness, asking in confidence, receiving with thankfulness, and sharing in humility, for those who walk in My Spirit, and those who express My nature, will be asking on behalf of others, knowing that their own needs have already been met by My willing, abundant, compassionate provision.

May you walk in the knowledge that sacrifices and offerings are not, in themselves, what God wants, nor are they sufficient in themselves to meet the needs of your shortcomings, but rather seek to do God’s will, gladly, joyfully, eagerly, humbly, obeying Him in all He leads you, for at times you will have abundance to share and at times you will receive from others, but neither abundance or want, action or stillness, speech or quiet are important, but only your obedience to the will of God. Hebrews 10

May you wake the dawn with your praise to the Lord, singing and making music with all your soul and with a steadfast heart before the nations and among the peoples, for the love of God is great, higher than the heavens and His faithfulness reaches to the skies. Psalm 108

May you exalt God, Who is above the heavens, Whose glory is over all the earth, for He saves you and helps you with His right hand, that those He loves may be delivered when He speaks from His sanctuary, giving you aid against the enemy and trampling down His foe, as you gain the victory with God, disregarding the help of man, which is worthless. Psalm 108

May you walk in prudence and take refuge when you see danger lest, like the simple, you keep going and suffer for it. Proverbs 27:12

November 09

1 John 4:19 We love because [God] first loved us.

1 John 5:3 For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome.

2 Timothy 2:21 So if anyone cleanses himself of what is unfit, he will be a vessel for honor: sanctified, useful to the Master, and prepared for every good work.

Isaiah 30:18 …the Lord longs to be gracious to you; therefore he will rise up to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!

Luke 6:35 But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.

Numbers 14:19 Pardon…the iniquity of this people according to the greatness of Thy lovingkindness, just as Thou also hast forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now.

May you leave behind the traditions and practices you have been taught which do not glorify the Lord and which keep you from quickly and readily obeying God so that He may be free to bless you with the choicest of blessings He has searched out for you. Ezekiel 20

May you follow the ways of the Lord you have been shown and walk in the truths He has given you during your times alone, shut in with Him, away from distractions; do not rebel against the Lord or reject His authority so that He may make of you a testimony of His goodness and power to those around you. Ezekiel 20

May you walk in gratitude and thanksgiving to the Lord for His multitude of blessings and His keeping power in your life, honoring His name for His goodness to you, and worshiping God for the inheritance He has given you, lest you turn to your own desires and consume His blessings for your own satisfactions, striving to be like those around you who serve wood and stone rather than knowing the true and living God, Who has led you and kept you in all of your ways, for He is your shield and defense. Ezekiel 20

May you pass under the rod of the Lord, as of a shepherd who cares for his flock, coming into the bond of His covenant, so that He may purge you of influences which revolt and rebel against God, making you ready to listen to Him and serve Him. He will accept you as fragrant incense as He shows Himself holy before you so that you will know that He is the Lord. Ezekiel 20

May you glorify the Lord for His work as your High Priest, Who entered the heavenly Most Holy Place, which was not made with hands, and offered up, through the eternal Spirit, the sacrifice of His own blood, His life, and obtained eternal redemption for you, cleansing your conscience from acts that lead to death so that you may serve the living God. Hebrews 9

My child, can you welcome Me with open arms and glad heart? Does your spirit leap within you for joy when you consider joining Me in eternity? Or do you shrink back, dreading the light, longing for more time in this world? Where is the joy of your life? To what treasure does your heart yearn?
Set your mind on things above rather than on earthly things, My love. Do not feed your old nature, but allow it to wither and die, for you have been raised into new life with Me, and I am seated in the heavenlies at the right hand of the Father. I am your life, My precious one, and when I appear, you also will appear with Me in glory.
Care for those I have given you to love, My cherished one, and show to them the compassion and mercy that I have given you. But do not cling to them, as though you were their source for all they need. Do you sustain them? Do you keep them breathing through the night as they sleep? Do you maintain the balance of the many marvelously wrought systems in their bodies that bring health and well-being each day? Love them in My love, but release them to Me, for I am their life, just as I am yours.
Do you thrill to the beauty of the earth, and the marvel of all creation? Do you soak in the majesty of the mountains, the power of the oceans, the incomprehensible complexity of the web of life from the soil underfoot to the tops of the trees and all the diversity in between? Do you feel astonishment at the way the tiniest particles of matter and energy obey the rules governing their behavior just as readily as the most enormous objects in the skies follow the laws I have set forth?
All of creation bears the mark of My nature, just as the clay of a pot bears the fingerprints of the potter. Rejoice in the aspects of My awesomeness that it reveals to you, but do not worship it in place of Me. Wear the world loosely, My little one, so that it can point and lead you to Me rather than be a stumbling block that diverts you from the worship of the true God.
All that you see, everything that can be measured or weighed, will pass away. Only I will remain. Seek to know Me, for it may be today that all you see will be taken from you. Will you rejoice to be in My presence? Will I be able to welcome you into My arms and say, “Well done! Enter into the joy of My kingdom.” I will make it so, if you turn to Me with all your heart while it is today.

May you give thanks to the Lord, Who has redeemed you from the hand of His foe, for He is good and His love endures forever. Psalm 107

May you cry to the Lord when you are in trouble, for He will deliver you from your distress and lead you by a straight way to where you can be settled and calm. Psalm 107

May you give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things. Psalm 107

May you cry to the Lord when you sit in darkness and deepest gloom, imprisoned in iron chains, for He will save you from your distress, bringing you out of the darkness and gloom and releasing you from your chains, breaking down gates of bronze and cutting through bars of iron because of His unfailing love. Psalm 107

May you turn to the Lord when you suffer affliction because of your iniquities, for as you draw near the gates of death, He will send forth His word and heal you, rescuing you from the grave, because of His unfailing love. Psalm 107

In the midst of the storm, may you cry out to the Lord, for He will bring you out of your distress and calm the winds to a whisper, hushing the waves of the sea, guiding you to your trusted haven, where you can exalt Him in the gathering of the people and praise Him in the council of the elders. Psalm 107

November 08

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 16:9 The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.

Colossians 3:12 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.

Matthew 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other.

Job 23:12 I have not departed from His commands, but have treasured His words more than daily food.

May you know that Lord is both righteous and just, for the soul who rejects the forgiveness in salvation and continually and habitually maintains a lifestyle of sin will surely die, but the person who turns to God in repentance for his sins, leaving them behind and cleaving to the Lord, striving to draw closer and desiring to know and walk in the righteousness of Christ, shall surely live. Ezekiel 18

May you realize that the Lord has no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but desires that he should turn from his evil way and return to God so he can live, and may this same heart dwell in you. Ezekiel 18

May you accept that the ways of man are not fair and just, or straight and equal, or right and pondered, but the ways of the Lord are, so repent and turn from all transgressions, lest iniquity be a stumbling-block and a ruin to you, and receive a new mind and heart and spirit, for the Lord has no pleasure in anyone’s death, but so strongly desires that all should live, that He made the way for your redemption, choosing to die rather than live without you. Ezekiel 18, Matthew 3, Revelation 2, Ephesians 4

May you learn humility in the presence of the Lord, walking before God as Jesus walked, laying down your will, giving up your rights, choosing not to express your opinion or make of yourself a reputation, but watching the Father, seeking to know His ways, and refusing to follow the ways of the world’s authority as they lord over the weak and devour the helpless, consuming all who cannot defend themselves, for their judgment is sure. Ezekiel 19

May you accept the pruning of the Master Gardener, Who desires you to be fruitful, grafting you in to the True Branch, enriching the soil and providing the water, guiding your spiritual growth into profitable and beneficial areas but removing and restricting growth that would bring bitter fruit or cause fruit to fail. Ezekiel 19

My child, be comforted by My presence. Abide in the Spirit of My presence, and walk in the shadow of My presence. Seek protection under the wings of My presence, and go forth into battle with the fire of My presence.
Know that in the world you will have tribulation, but even though you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, you need fear no evil for I am with you. The love of My presence will comfort you as it casts out all fear.
The victory I give you, My dear one, is not an effortless victory, nor is it a bloodless victory. The enemy does not roll over and beg of you to be kind to him, or negotiate for terms of surrender. The enemy of your soul, the one who is My enemy, knows the doom awaiting him, for he has been judged and he remains unrepentant. He has nothing to lose, and his time is growing short.
I have defeated him and taken his authority, but though he has no power over you, he uses lies against your thoughts, oppression against your spirit, and people under his influence against you in daily life, vexing you with an onslaught of wickedness.
I have provided you the defensive armor that is effective against his wiles, My precious one, but you must put it on and wear it. The daily reading and study of My Word, the continual praying in My Spirit, the cleansing by My blood and the setting aside of things of the world, all prepare your mind for action and keep you sober of spirit, alert to, and aware of, the enemy’s tactics.
Do not be surprised when the attacks come, My warrior. This is not some strange or unexpected thing that is happening to you. My armor is not for decoration, but is fully functional. You Must Use It. Consciously and deliberately make the daily, hourly, moment by moment decision to walk in My presence, praying in My Spirit, meditating on My Word.
No matter what tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or shortages, or hazards, or violence you encounter in the physical or the emotional arenas, the material realm or the spiritual realm, the natural or the supernatural, the temporal or the eternal, there is nothing that can separate you from My love for you. I have overcome the world,
I hold the keys of death and the grave, and the Father has elevated Me to the place of highest honor, giving Me the Name above all other names. Do not fear, My beloved, for what you go through is bounded by My word, and nothing happens to you without My presence surrounding and enfolding you.

May you see that the gifts and sacrifices of men or the regulations and traditions of institutions are not sufficient to clear the conscience of any who follow their practices, needing instead the more perfect gift and the sinless sacrifice that could only come from, and has been given by, God. Hebrews 9

May you cry to the Lord in your distress, for He will take note and remember His promises, relenting out of the abundance of His great love and mercy, and cause you to gain favor with those who are oppressive to you; thus will He save you and bring you back from where you have been so that you may give thanks to His holy name and glory in the praise to the Lord, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting, as all the people say, “Amen!” Psalm 106, 1 Chronicles 16

November 07

1 Timothy 2:1-2 I urge, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

James 5:16 The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.

Proverbs 4:14-15 Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men. Avoid it, do not travel on it; turn from it and go on your way.

Jeremiah 9:24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord.

Psalm 89:18 For the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of Israel is our king.

Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you:

May you remember the days of your youth in humility and and constantly seek the face of God, depending not on the arm of flesh for your strength but turning always to the Lord, forsaking all other sources of joy, pleasure, rest, encouragement, peace, comfort, so that you can receive the blessings He has waiting and reserved for you as you still yourself before Him and let Him change you from the inside out for a witness and testimony to those around, that they may know what you have learned: the Lord, He is God. Ezekiel 16

May you help the poor and needy, not being haughty or arrogant, overfed and unconcerned, but reaching out to others, letting your heart be touched with the needs and pain of others, and giving of your time, your attention, your ear, making little of yourself as you bring them to the feet of Jesus, Who will meet their needs, through the abundance He has shown you of mercy, acceptance, comfort, and compassion. Ezekiel 16

May you speak truthfully and deal honestly with all people, believers and non-believers, Christians and pre-Christians, citizens of the Kingdom and citizens of the world, for you name the name of Christ and bear the seal of God, walking in His presence and speaking as His representative; therefore, others will judge the unseen God by your words and deeds, and He will not allow His honor to be sullied or His reputation to be tarnished. Ezekiel 17

May you be fruitful and sheltering to all who come to you, for this is the heart of the abundant and compassionate God Who has selected you and planted you, setting you in a high and lofty place. Ezekiel 17

Beware the little foxes, My child. Ask of Me, and I will set a guard over your heart and keep watch over your mind, My dear one.
When you have dwelt among the thorns and briers in the past, My recovered one, pain was normal and injury was expected. But now you walk in the light and I draw you nearer to Me, cleansing and healing old injuries, and removing the pain of old wounds to your heart.
I am at work in your life healing the memories of the past. The pain you are feeling is the removal of the tips of the thorns which broke off long ago and remained embedded, buried deep and still hurting, releasing their bitter poison and preventing you from resting in My Spirit peacefully or moving in My Word easily.
You have avoided these issues, for they are painful, but because they have remained, they affect you. They cause you to limp in your walk, and they cause you to draw back in pain from My work, unable to use your full grip or apply your full strength.
You need not fear My hand in your life, My love. My heart is toward you, and My thoughts are for you. I have made plans to give you a future in My presence that you may have hope in the present.
Give Me permission to complete My work in you, My precious one, for I would not have you constantly in pain. Though I wound you, yet will I bind the wound and heal it that you may be made whole and filled with joy, able once more to run freely and play easily.
Wait in My presence, My love, and submit to My Spirit. Let the tears flow freely and allow My Word to comfort and strengthen you. My arms of love are holding you near My heart.

May you rejoice in the knowledge that you have a Mediator, an Advocate, an Intercessor, Who cares for you and about you, and Who has access to, and is accepted by, the righteous Judge of heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in heaven, and Who serves in the sanctuary, the true tabernacle set up by the Lord, not by man, with a ministry superior to all others, based on a covenant founded on better, richer promises, wherein God has said that He will put His laws in the minds of His people and write His will on their hearts so that He will be their God and they will be His people, all of whom will know Him, from the least to the greatest, for He will forgive your wickedness and remember your sins no more. Hebrews 8

May you not forget what the Lord has done, but wait for His counsel, trusting God even in the wasteland, knowing He cares for you and has your path planned in order to do you good and bring you to His promises. Psalm 106

May you reject every image you turn to in your mind, all the wisdom you rely on to see you through, every source of comfort that you seek when bad days come, and exchange them all for the Lord your God Who saved you, doing great and wonderful miracles and awesome deeds to rescue you, so that He might be your Glory, the One you boast in, the Source of your strength, and the One Who supplies all your needs as you do His work, remaining ever vigilant to hear what He says, ready to give to those in need what He has so freely given to you without reserve through His compassionate grace. Psalm 106

November 06

Matthew 18:3 [Jesus] said, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Mark 12:30-31 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength” [and . . .] “Love your neighbor as yourself.” There is no commandment greater than these.

2 Samuel 6:14 David, wearing a linen ephod, danced before the Lord with all his might.

Hebrews 11:6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.

Jeremiah 29:13 You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart

Luke 1:38 I am the Lord’s servant, may Your word to me be fulfilled.

May you be consoled that God’s actions and judgments are not done without cause but are righteous and just when He defends the poor in spirit and protects the weak by making them strong through Him, honoring the humble of heart as He brings down the proud and arrogant who trust in themselves, as they feed on others and make a name for themselves at the expense of those who do not defend themselves. Ezekiel 14, Matthew 5, Luke 6

May you abide in the true Vine and be nourished by the life He carries so that you may bear fruit which is pleasing to the Master Gardener, for if you reject the life-giving flow into which you have been grafted and seek other sources, you will be barren or bear bitter fruit, causing the Husbandman to cut off your branch to be burned to ashes. Ezekiel 15

May you always remember, and never forget, the debt of love you owe to the Lord, for He rescued you from the power of death, hell, and the grave, giving His life for you when you offered Him no reason to care, even as He provides His righteousness to cover you, His gifts to defend and strengthen you, and His Name to replace your shame and disgrace with His honor and reputation; therefore, turn to Him with your whole heart, hold back nothing from your Lord and Savior, forsake all former sources of gifts and comfort, pursuing Him alone and cleaving only to Him Who, accepting you as you are, loves you too much to let you remain as you have been. Ezekiel 16

May you be glad and rejoice because Jesus, Who lives forever, is our advocate before God permanently, and therefore is able to save you to the uttermost – completely, perfectly, finally and for all time and eternity – when you come to God through Him, because He always lives to intercede with God and intervene for you, being holy, blameless, pure, set apart from sinners, exalted above the heavens, and having no need to offer sacrifices for Himself since He offered Himself as an acceptable sacrifice for you. Hebrews 7

My child, say not, “I am old, and of no use,” or “I am aged, and without strength or benefit for the Lord’s work.”
From the moment you accepted My gift of redemption and were saved from sin through My miracle of rebirth, you received eternal life.
There is much that is to come, and many treasures and pleasures to receive and enjoy when your mortality puts on immortality, but you already have received the earnest of My promise with the indwelling of My Spirit and the experience of being born again into eternity.
With eternal life, there is no old age, no feebleness, no withering away like that which your mortal body experiences; instead, you are forever young. There is a growing in wisdom and an increasing in understanding that brings maturity and stability, but eternity knows no decline of strength or diminishing of vigor.
If you consider only your mortal body, fretting over the weakness it is subject to, you will be in danger of envy and jealousy toward those whose walk is not narrowed or constrained in the natural. But what benefit does the unprincipled sinner receive when judgment arrives in his life?
You, who in the youth of your eternal life have born the yoke of the Lord, sitting alone with Me and in silence before My Spirit, will know the voice of your Redeemer and walk securely in the wisdom which comes from your reverence and awe for God.
My work is from the inside out, My dear one. That which is done in private as you seek Me through My Word with tears of repentance and obey My Spirit to the decreasing and diminishing of the carnal mind’s influence and the natural man’s inclination, will be rewarded openly before all.

May you give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His love and mercy endures forever, therefore who can fully declare His praise or adequately proclaim His mighty acts? Psalm 106

May you observe justice, treating others fairly, and constantly do what is right, being in right standing with God at all times, so that you will be happy, fortunate and envied by others. Psalm 106

May the Lord earnestly remember you when He favors His people and visit you also when He delivers them, granting you His salvation. Psalm 106

May you see and share the welfare of His chosen ones that you may rejoice in the gladness of His people and glory with His heritage in giving Him praise. Psalm 106

Although we have all sinned, having done wickedly and committed iniquity, as have those who came before us, in not understanding or appreciating His miracles or earnestly remembering the multitude of His mercies, nor imprinting His loving-kindness on our hearts, yet He saves us for His name’s sake to prove the righteousness of His divine nature and make His mighty power to be known. Psalm 106

May you believe the words of the Lord, trusting in and relying on them as you sing His praise for leading you safely through impossible circumstances and saving you from the hand of him that hates you, redeeming you from the hand of His enemy. Psalm 106

November 05

James 2:26 As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead

Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

Matthew 5:16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

2 Corinthians 5:9 So we make it our goal to please him, whether we are at home in the body or away from it.

Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves,

Deuteronomy 4:9 Only take care, and keep your soul diligently, lest you forget the things that your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. Make them known to your children and your children’s children—

May you obey the Lord in all He directs, so that others may “hear” the Lord speaking to them by all that they see you doing, for then they will understand that He is the Lord. Ezekiel 12

May you know that the day is near when every vision, every word, every promise will be fulfilled without delay, and no more will people say that things continue just as they always have as the days go by. Ezekiel 12 2 Peter 3:1-9

May you search out the mind of God and draw near the heart of God in order to speak forth the truth of God which He gives you for His people, for He will watch over His Word which you speak in obedience, and will fulfill it in the sight of the hearers so that they will know that He has sent you when it accomplishes what He desires and achieves the purpose He determines. Ezekiel 13, Jeremiah 1, Isaiah 55

May you strengthen God’s people with His words of truth, that they may be able to stand firm on His promises when the enemy attacks like a storm. Ezekiel 13

May you speak the truth of God to those around you so that the righteous will walk in the joy of the Lord and stand in confidence on His promises, not struggling with condemnation but strengthened by the knowledge of His love for them, while the wicked learn the need to turn from their ways so they can live, and not die. Ezekiel 13

Know, My child, that the life led by My Spirit is one filled with close and intimate relationship with Me. It will be expressed internally in your heart’s frequent and deep conversations with Me, and it will also be fulfilled by receiving My ministry through the vessels I choose. You must cast aside your stereotypes of what My children look and sound like, for I accept all who come to Me.
I accept the slave as he is, for he has learned the lessons of humility and obedience, and I can teach him to walk in the liberty of spiritual authority without him grasping it as his own.
I accept the free man as he is, for when he has learned to treasure and desire the loving guidance and direction of My Spirit, he will already know the responsibilities and obligations of one who exercises authority.
When I bring you to one who looks different from you and bears different scars from life than you, do not discount what he has to say or reject the prayer he makes for you. He has already learned truth of Me that you have need of, just as you have covered spiritual ground in your journey with Me that he has not.
The witness of the Spirit inside of you, if you quench it not, will receive from Me, through the other, what each has need of to conquer your current battle as an overcomer.
Love each one, My dear one, with a generous and open hand, for as you give mercy to those you meet, you will reap mercy in time of need.

May you know that for those who wittingly set up idols in their hearts in the place of reverence to God, and persistently choose their own righteousness and devices over the path of righteousness in the Word, there is no word from God but “Repent of your abominations and live!” and no counsel from the Spirit but “Turn away from your detestable idols lest you die!” Ezekiel 14

May you be able to look beyond the traditions which have sustained and motivated the people of the Lord through years past, and see to the truth of the origins when the Lord does a new thing in the world. Hebrews 7, Isaiah 43

May you rejoice that your great High Priest, Jesus Christ, has not attained to the office because of tradition or regulation, but holds the position and fulfills the responsibilities toward us by the strength of His power and the motivation of His love, and is accepted by the Almighty God, before Whom He ministers, by the holiness of His works. Hebrews 7

May you ask God for your needs, and may you thank God for His provisions, for He is the One Who made the way for you and remembered His holy promises regarding you, bringing you out of your situation with rejoicing and shouts of joy, making you heir of what you did not work for, that you might be a witness for Him by keeping His precepts and observing His commands. Psalms 105

November 04

2 Corinthians 5:17 If anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!

Proverbs 11:4 Wealth is worthless in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

Proverbs 10:28 The prospect of the righteous is joy, but the hopes of the wicked come to nothing.

1 John 3:2 We are children of God; and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be, but we know that when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is

Psalm 16:11 Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Romans 6:22-23 But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

May you follow the decrees of God and keep the laws of the Lord, not conforming to the standards of the people who surround you, that the Lord may spare you from His anger, covering you with His mercy and keeping you in His blessing, so you, and those around you, may know He is the Lord, and He makes a distinction between all who are His and all who reject Him. Ezekiel 11

May you find the Lord to be your sanctuary in all the places He sends you. Ezekiel 11

May you walk in the statutes of the Lord and keep the ordinances of God by practicing and obeying them when the Lord removes your heart of stone and gives you an undivided heart of flesh, for when He puts a new spirit in you, you will be able to see Him as your God, and He will receive you as His own. Ezekiel 11

May you be fruitful and productive in God’s work and through His blessing as land that drinks in the rain and produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed. Hebrews 6

My child, the Word I have spoken into your heart, the promise I have made to you, the vision I have shown unto you, is true and will come to pass, for I have declared it. I am constantly watching over it to perform it, ensuring that it will not return to Me without having accomplished all I desire.
The vision I gave to Noah was staggering. The world was to be destroyed by water, but I would save him and his family. The work that went into preparing for that promise was immense, but Noah’s faithful obedience did not falter, and he received the deliverance, just as I declared.
The promise I gave to Abram was incomprehensibly vast. After obeying My command to leave his country and his family, his society and culture, forgoing stability and leaving himself at the mercy of weather and drought as well as the whims of strange customs and unpredictable rulers, I assured him that the world would be blessed by his seed. At his and Sarai’s age, it was not understandable, but because of his enduring belief in My promise, Abraham received the earnest of My promise in the form of Isaac.
The dream I gave to Joseph was truth, even though it was not believed by his family, and could not occur in the circumstances at the time. The path through the changes, which were required to reach the realization of the dream, was anything but pleasant, and was guaranteed to remove any thought of Joseph being able to accomplish it himself. But Joseph’s willing acceptance of all that I brought to him prepared his heart to extend the grace and forgiveness, the mercy and acceptance that testifies to My nature and witnesses to My power to change hearts when he recognized the fulfillment of his vision from Me.
Never fear that I have forgotten you or that you have moved beyond My reach. I am the One leading you through the necessary steps for My promise to be realized in your life. You will see with your own eyes the evidence of My hand working that which you have realized is impossible any other way. Age is no barrier to Me, social status and circumstances offer no hindrance to Me, lack of strength or resources will not prevent Me from accomplishing My will which I have declared to you.
Draw close to Me daily, My love, persist in your heartfelt worship and praise to Me in all things. Choose Me over all other choices, for your work is to believe that I am sent from the Father. Allow that faith to change your heart so that My nature is shown in your words and deeds, whether in the prison or the palace, with the flock or in the tent, at work or with your neighbor. Know that My Word is true, My promise is sure, and My will shall be done on earth, just as surely as it is done in heaven.

May you show diligence in helping His people continually, to the very end, for God is not unjust, and He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him, making your hope sure, as you imitate those who through faith and patience inherit what has been promised. Hebrews 6

May you wait patiently, as Abraham did, for the promises God has given you, for He wants to make the unchanging nature of His purpose very clear to you, as an heir of what was promised, giving you this hope as an anchor for your soul, firm and secure in the work of Jesus Christ, His beloved and accepted Son. Hebrews 6

May the word God gives you bring release and deliverance when He proves it true. Psalm 105

May the Lord make you fruitful and too strong for your foes. Psalm 105

May you not boast in tomorrow, which is in the hands of God, but trust in Him for today as you follow His directions. Proverbs 27:1

November 03

Ephesians 4:32 And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.

Luke 12:6 Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten in God’s sight.

Ecclesiastes 3:11 [God] has made everything beautiful in its time.

2 Corinthians 1:4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

John 16:33 These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Psalm 51:1-2 Be gracious to me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness; according to the greatness of Your compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash me thoroughly from my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.

May your conduct and practices be aligned with God’s Word, guided by His Spirit, and obedient to His will, so that He will be able to judge you according to your behavior and repay you for all your practices with compassion, and spare you from His anger which is the portion of those who reject His Word and rebel against His Spirit, for then all will know that He is the Lord. Ezekiel 7

When the time arrives, may your reward spring forth; when the rod buds, may humility blossom and gentleness grow into a staff to comfort the weak and gather the flock, that they may live and rest in peace. Ezekiel 7

May you abide in the way of the Lord, the way of righteousness and justice, of mercy and compassion to others, for if you depart and follow your own ways, choosing your own destiny, creating your own standards, know that the Lord will deal with you according to your conduct, and by your own standards He will judge you, and beside Him, there is none righteous, no, not one. Ezekiel 7 Romans 3

May you submit your heart to the discipline of the Lord, yielding your desires unto the Spirit and humbling your thoughts before His Word, so that you may be shaped into a vessel of honor which is cleansed and fit to carry the glory of God, fitly joined together in the Body of Christ as a dwelling place for Him Whom even the heavens cannot contain. Ezekiel 8

May you grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done around you, for as godly sorrow works repentance, and you turn to God in humility, He will receive you, and mark you with His Spirit, putting His claim of ownership upon you, sanctifying and protecting you in the days to come as His anger is poured out upon the iniquity of society. Ezekiel 9

My child, the world fills itself with the arrogance of its iniquity. The hallmark of its citizens is the pride with which they display their disobedience to My Word, My law, My truth, My principles. They position themselves as the arbiters of what is right and wrong, good and evil, not understanding that the true choice is between life and death.
To do this is to call the Father a liar. To walk in the way of the world is to walk in unbelief, in faithlessness, to reject the love which He has demonstrated by allowing, by sending, Me to provide redemption through My blood for all of mankind who will accept it.
The heart of God breaks with sorrow over all who turn from the One who offers them the blessing of life, choosing instead to receive the punishment of death with the one who lies to them.
The enemy offers nothing that is not already promised and available from the Father; his lies simply blind some to the truth that all things come from the Father. They would rather believe that their own hands provided what they have, for pride is the downfall of many.
I have called you to Myself, My dear one, and led you on a pilgrimage through this world so that you may be My witness to those who choose to dwell there. It is your testimony to My transforming of your heart, your story about My interaction in your life, your demonstration of My love in your choices that will bear witness to what My Spirit is speaking to them day after day.
You are My epistles, written in flesh, for all mankind to read, just as My Spirit reveals the truth of My Word to the hearts of all people. I send you as sheep among wolves, as doves among serpents, yet I will put My fear in their hearts so you will not be harmed. Though the heathen rage, some will hear, and hearing, will be converted. Great will be the rejoicing in heaven, and great will be the reward for your obedience.

As God directs and leads you, may you deal gently with those who are being taught, or are going astray, knowing you yourself are subject to weakness, even as you have been gently and patiently dealt with by the Lord through His love and not His anger. Hebrews 5

May you come before the Lord in reverent submission, offering up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the One Who saves you, knowing that He hears you, as you learn obedience from the sufferings you endure, and will use you in His harvest, for His purpose, to His glory. Hebrews 5

May you give thanks to the Lord and call upon His name, making known among the nations what He has done, as you sing praise to Him and tell others of all His wonderful acts so that His holy name is glorified and the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice as you look to the Lord and His strength, always seeking His face. Psalm 105

May you remember the wonders He has done, His miracles, and the judgments He pronounced, for He is the Lord your God, Whose judgments are in all the earth, Who remembers His covenant forever, confirming His blessing to His people, and the inheritance He has promised to those who love His ways and obey His word, not allowing His enemy to oppress His chosen, but rebuking principalities who try to touch His anointed ones, and preventing spiritual powers from doing His prophets harm. Psalm 105 Ezekiel 9