June 3

Psalm 150:6 Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.

Matthew 3:17 A voice came from heaven, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

Matthew 2:1-2 Magi from the east came to Jerusalem 2 and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”

John 18:36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would be fighting so that I would not be handed over to the Jews; but as it is, My kingdom is not of this realm.”

Deuteronomy 6:18 And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of the LORD, that it may be well with you, and that you may go in and possess the good land of which the LORD swore to your fathers,

Micah 6:8 What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

May you have the wisdom to be willing to part with, and separate yourself from, the sin or disobedience that draws God’s anger, for as you reject that rebellion against God’s chosen King, you prove your loyalty and align yourself with His blessings. 2 Samuel 20

May you understand that times of leanness come, even after seasons of plenty, not because of current problems or present issues, but to bring balance to past unrighteousness, for though the sin is forgiven when it is repented of, yet justice will need to be walked out, for righteousness’ sake. 2 Samuel 21

May you take refuge in the Lord, Who is your rock, your fortress, and your deliverer, and in God, Who is your shield, the strength and power of your salvation, saving you from violent men by being your shelter, defense, and rescuer. 2 Samuel 22

May you call to the Lord, Who is worthy of praise, for He will save you from your enemies. 2 Samuel 22

May you cry to the Lord when you are in distress from the waves of death which swirl around you and the torrents of destruction which overwhelm you, for when the cords of the grave coil around you and the snares of death confront you, He will hear your voice from His Temple and your cry will come to His ears. 2 Samuel 22

May the Lord be your support and bring you out to a spacious place, reaching down from on high and taking hold of you, drawing you out of deep waters and rescuing you from powerful enemies and foes who are too strong for you, for when you are confronted by them in the day of your disaster, God will rescue you because He delights in you. 2 Samuel 22

Always remember, My child, that I remain your Shepherd. I watch over you, I care for you, I tend your wounds, and I defend you, setting boundaries for you, and when needed, isolating you for times of protection and healing, learning and growing stronger.
Though I may lead you through the woods and wilderness, I am vigilant and keep the bears and wolves, lions and thieves from you, for where I am, where I lead you, is safety and security that cannot be found anywhere else; you may see their shapes and hear their steps and their threatening sounds, but they will not come near you, for My rod and staff against them are well able to comfort you.
To long for and return to the sheep-fold that I took you from is to place yourself outside of My presence and covering. Dwell, rather, with Me and hear My voice, receiving life and comfort from the words I speak to you.
In the days soon to arrive, many things will come upon the world and all who dwell therein. But you have been given light so you can be alert and sober, and not be unprepared, weighted down with worries and anxieties of life, knowing My provision, and pointing others to Me in their need.
The shepherd always knows where his sheep are; be aware, My protected one, and always know where your Shepherd may be found.

May you be willing to put questions on the shelf that distract from the work God has given, knowing that all answers will be given when it is time, but that all things needed for the work ahead of you are already available, ready for you to step forward and start working in the harvest. Acts 1

May you be as the disciples were in the upper room, united in love, exemplary in conduct, fervent in prayer, and wisely zealous for the cause of Christ, for then God will pour out His Spirit without measure. Acts 1

May you acknowledge God’s hand in determining everything that befalls you, for He knows the hearts of men, and He chooses His servants, gifting each as He determines, training each as He knows best. Acts 1

May you lift your eyes up to the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth, from Whom your help comes, for He Who watches over you will neither slumber nor sleep; your Protector and Guardian will not allow your foot to slip or stumble. Psalm 121

May the Lord, Who is your protector and keeper, be a shelter right at your side, watching over your life and keeping you from all harm, both day and night, in your coming and going, both now and forevermore. Psalm 121

May you stand in humility before the Lord as He builds in you His nature, and may you lift Him up before others, which is His worthy and just due. Proverbs 16:18

June 2

Psalm 25:7 Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: according to Thy mercy remember Thou me for Thy goodness’ sake, O Lord.

Isaiah 49:6 The Lord says, “I will give you as a light to the nations, that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth.”

1 Thessalonians 5:14 …encourage the disheartened, help the weak, be patient with everyone.

Zechariah 4:10 Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin,

Romans 13:10 Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.

Zechariah 4:6 ‘Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts.

May you come to the Lord in desperate humility, but not reluctantly, eagerly pushing forward to be in the forefront of all, confessing your unworthiness of, and acknowledging your dependence on, His grace, repenting of your shortcomings and asking forgiveness of your failures, admitting your guilt but relying on His acceptance even as you petition for His forgetfulness, seeking life even though deserving of death, for the King is known to be merciful. 2 Samuel 19

May grace and forgiveness be more important to you, as it was to David, than retribution and revenge, as it was with the sons of Zeruiah, for meekness, strength in control, is the nature of Christ, but demonstration of power to make examples is the nature of the flesh. 2 Samuel 19

May the presence of the Lord be of more value to you than possessions, as the favor and company of David was to Mephibosheth. 2 Samuel 19

May you not compare your service with the service of others, as Judah and the tribes of Israel when bringing David back, but freely offer service to the Lord, as Barzillai did to David. 2 Samuel 19

May you be certain that when you are most at a loss of what to do, and understand that you have no ways or answers for where to go next, that in the time of your own personal weakness and fruitlessness, you will then be best prepared to see the truth of the Lord and hear His Words of life, receiving blessing, strength, and comfort from His presence and acceptance as you obey His directions and follow His leading. John 21

May you rejoice in the unity of God’s Spirit that exists in the diversity of Christ’s Body, for just as John first recognized Jesus on the shore, and Peter first reached Him from the boat, the others maintained the labor and brought the net’s catch in with the vessels, each, in their difference of gifts and expressions, honoring Him Who created, shaped, and begifted them. John 21

May you follow the Lord in what He has for you without concern or thought for how He directs others. John 21

Remain ready, My child, and stay alert as you go out, even though you do not yet know where you are heading. Know, however, that you have not yet reached the city you are heading for, the place I have prepared for you.
Rest easy in My promises, My faithful one, but keep your sword at hand and your cloak about you. Travel the way I lead you with confidence, but do not look for a place to put down roots, for there is not now any place without the uncleanness that brings painful destruction.
Learn of Me in My Word, and hear of Me by My Spirit, not for the purpose of telling others what to do, but to walk out My truth and to experience My wisdom in your own life. As you make Me your Source, your Lord, your All, you will be instructing others by example, whom I have placed you in sight of, on the reality and practical expression of My grace, compassion, power, and mercy, which is available to them, as well.
Since you are still in the process of laying hold of My prize, My calling, My purpose for your life, let go of all which lies behind, and keep stretching forward to reach that which I have shown you is waiting ahead. Make the preparation that My Spirit leads you to make, so that you may respond with alacrity and alertness when I send you forth, and give you assignments.
Know, My willing one, that the old nature will always be present to battle against your willingness to follow My Spirit, and stay alert, prepared, forewarned, for in My Name, according to My Word, through the power of My Blood, as you yield to My Spirit, you will come off more than a conqueror.

May you call on the Lord in your distress, for He will answer you and save you from liars and deceitful people. Psalm 120

May you keep yourself from lies and deceit, for the Lord will suddenly punish those who continually love and constantly exercise a lying tongue with the piercingly-sharp arrows of heaven’s judgment and the long-burning coals of God’s anger. Psalm 120

May you find more value in wisdom than gold, and direct your efforts to gaining insight instead of silver. Proverbs 16:16

May you choose the path which upright and decent people follow, for it avoids and circumvents evil, and those who travel it safeguard their lives. Proverbs 16:17

June 1

Ephesians 4:4-6 There is one body and one Spirit … 6 one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all.

Psalm 25:4-5 Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths; 5 guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Psalm 23:2-3 He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, 3 he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.

Mark 10:45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Isaiah 61:3 …They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor.

Proverbs 3:6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

May you never forget the grace of God which has always been extended toward you, even when you were in rebellion toward Him, so how much more now. 2 Samuel 18

May you remember that the battle is the Lord’s, for as you do your part in resisting the enemy, you will find that those who are for you are greater than those who are against you, and the Lord will cause even the forest or the storm or the sea to rise up and overwhelm those that you cannot. 2 Samuel 18

May you set your affections on things above, recognizing and submitting to the hand of God in the events of your life, giving praise to the Lord in all things, that He may be free to accomplish His will. 2 Samuel 18, Colossians 3

May you not sorrow for the things of the earth which defy the will of God, or set your desires on the things of this world which are in rebellion against the Lord, but be about the Father’s business, walking in the responsibilities He has given you, and trust Him to do what is impossible for men. 2 Samuel 19, Mark 10

May you seek the Lord early, even when you have no hope left, for even in sorrow, the promises of the Lord can bring joy to all who see and believe. John 20

May you have eyes to see Jesus, and revelation to recognize Him, without personal restriction, in the many times, and places, and ways in which He makes Himself available for you to see Him. John 20

May the Lord look upon your suffering, defending your cause, and deliver you through His redemption, preserving your life according to His promise, for you have not forgotten His law. Psalm 119

May you not turn from God’s statutes, though there are many foes who persecute you, for the Lord, Whose compassion is great, preserves your life according to His laws, though salvation is far from the wicked since they do not seek out His decrees. Psalm 119

May you love the Lord’s precepts, for all His words are true and all His laws are eternally righteous, therefore He will preserve your life according to His love, which is far from the faithless and the transgressors who care nothing for God’s Word. Psalm 119

May you tremble at God’s Word and rejoice in the Lord’s promise for, though rulers persecute you without cause, you find great treasure in His truth. Psalm 119

What is your desire, My child? What do you seek as treasured and valuable enough to give your time and strength to locating and possessing? What are you willing to fight for and do battle over?
Does your heart yearn for recognition by others and to be seen by all? Know, My bright one, that in Christ you are the light of the world, shining in the darkness, a city set on a hill, unable to be hid; therefore be strong in battle when powers of darkness seek to cover your light. Speak My words when you should, go against the crowd when I lead, do not deny My light within you, flee sin that would dim the light of My truth, show My love by meeting the needs of others.
Is youth and vigor what you cling to, and struggle daily to keep it from slipping away? Come near to Me, My thirsty one, and allow Me to plant you beside the always-flowing river of living water. Sink your roots into the rich soil of the river-bank and satisfy your hunger and thirst as nothing in the world’s culture of youth-worship has ever done for you. You will not be idolized by fickle fans, but you will be sought-out for your fruit and desired for the healing of your leaves, bringing comfort for your shade and joy for your beauty and strength which never wither but only increase over time.
Whatever your heart’s desire, My searching one, find it fulfilled in Me; let Me be your all in all. Know that I am all you need, and even more than you conceive. I bring the light and the dark into your life that is essential to growth and balanced development, just as I brought to the very first day at creation and established as an unbreakable covenant since that time.
Recognize, My wondering one, that the dew of grace which refreshes comes during the dark, and the stars of My promises are never seen more gloriously than in the night of grief. Each hour has its duty, and each season has its work; I know your needs, My precious one, and I bring you all that you have need of, each in its proper time.

May you love God’s law even as you hate and abhor falsehood, praising Him many times each day for His righteous laws. Psalm 119

May you love His law and wait for the Lord’s salvation for then you will have great peace and nothing can make you stumble. Psalm 119

May you keep and obey God’s statues, loving them greatly, for all your ways are known to Him. Psalm 119

May your cry and supplication come before the Lord, Who gives you understanding according to His Word and delivers you according to His promise. Psalm 119

May your lips overflow with praise as your tongue sings of God’s Word for He teaches you His commands and decrees which are all righteous. Psalm 119

May you choose the precepts of the Lord, for His hand will be ready to help you since the law of the Lord delights you and the salvation of the Lord fills your longing. Psalm 119

May you not forget God’s commands, for though you stray as a lost sheep, He will seek you and let you live that you may praise Him as His laws sustain you. Psalm 119

May you be wise enough to appease the King of kings, making peace with Him, and avoid the messengers of death sent to those under His wrath. Proverbs 16:14

May you receive the favor of the King of kings, for in the light of His countenance is life, and His clemency is refreshing like a spring rain. Proverbs 16:15

May 31

Matthew 10:29-30 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. 30 And even the hairs of your head are all counted.

Psalm 92:14-15 [The righteous] will bear fruit even when old and gray; they will remain lush and fresh 15 in order to proclaim: “The LORD is righteous. He’s my rock.”

Matthew 10:8 Freely you have received, freely give.

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

Romans 12:11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

May you understand that only the counsel of God will stand, and all other counsels will succeed or fail based on whether they align with God’s wisdom or not. 2 Samuel 17

May you obey the Lord and give comfort to His people in distress, supporting them in their need from your abundance, for the Lord does not need your help, but He richly recompenses all that is done for His brethren as though it were done to Himself. 2 Samuel 17

May you speak what God gives you, in accordance with His word, that you may rest in His integrity and rely on His power, for He watches over His Word to perform it, and it is not up to you to make it happen. 2 Samuel 17

May you find your identity in the Lord, through His Spirit of truth, and not in the world or your skills, or even in His gifts or His work, for all will change as seasons come and go, but He will remain the same forever. 2 Samuel 17

May you rejoice and gladly accept that, through the obedience of Christ Jesus, the second man Adam, the long process of redemption that was walked out after the transgressions of the first man Adam has now been finished. John 19

May you gratefully receive the justification which Christ Jesus brought within your grasp and willingly follow the path of sanctification which the Spirit has been sent to lead you along. John 19

Be all you can, My child, just as I have made you.
Do not compare yourself with others, for I have formed them for other tasks. Do not ask how far you have come, or how far you have to go, but simply look to Me, for then I will draw you.
I have placed you, My special one, where you need to be now, and I will move you, when the time comes, to where I have planned.
Grow and blossom, My fair one, where I have planted you, but wear the world loosely, clinging only to Me, so that when I transplant you, the time of change will be no more than the change of weather.
Times of sorrow come to everyone, so find your happiness in the hope I give you. Seasons of trouble come upon the world, My precious one, so remain patient and endure in the work I give you.
The world system conquers all that it owns, My called-out one, but you are no longer of the world and your prayers have power with Me. Be instant in prayer and persistent in petition to Me for others, for I choose to work through you to reach those who hunger and thirst but are still held captive.
Do not let up, do not cease to pray, do not doubt that I hear and answer. Whisper a prayer for comfort over the one I point out to you as you pass in the marketplace, ask Me to minister to the one I highlight in your heart, write encouragement to the one who I have brought to your thoughts, and speak My love and mercy to one I bring to your door.
Those who are crossing Kidron need to know that, just like you, just like David, just like Jesus, there is victory afterwards, and they will be able to drink the clear water with joy from the well of salvation.

May you long desperately for God’s commandments and to draw deeply of the Spirit’s breath, for His statutes are wonderful and the unfolding of His Word gives light and understanding to the simple. Psalm 119

May the Lord let no sin rule over you as He turns to you in mercy, directing your footsteps according to His word and redeeming you from the oppression of men as He always does for those who love His name, so that you may obey His precepts. Psalm 119

May the Lord make His face shine upon you and teach you His decrees, for your heart is broken and tears stream from your eyes because God’s laws are not obeyed. Psalm 119

May you love the faithful promises of God and the righteous statutes He has laid down, for they have been thoroughly tested and and are fully trustworthy; even though the enemy ignores the Word of the Lord, God is righteous and His laws are right. Psalm 119

May you not forget God’s precepts though trouble and distress come upon you, for His righteousness is everlasting, His law is eternally true, and His statutes are forever right; though you feel lowly in your own sight and despised by the enemy, it is because you delight in the Lord’s commands that He will give you understanding which will make you prosper. Psalm 119

May you rise before dawn and call out for help with all your heart to the Lord as you obey His decrees and keep His statutes, putting your hope in His word, for He will answer you and save you from your distress. Psalm 119

May you meditate on God’s promises when sleep does not come through the night-time hours, for the Lord will hear your voice in accordance with His love, and will preserve your life according to His laws. Psalm 119

May you trust that all of the Lord’s commands are true and He has established them to last forever, therefore even when mischief-makers and lawless people come to attack you, you will know that they are far from God’s law, and the Lord Himself is near to you; His truth is in your heart and His word even in your mouth. Psalm 119

May you consider wrongdoing to be disgusting and an abomination, even as Jesus, the King of kings, detests it, for His throne is established by righteousness and justice. Proverbs 16:12

May you take pleasure in honest speech and righteous lips, even as Jesus, your King, treasures it, for His kingdom belongs to those who rightly divide the word of truth. Proverbs 16:13

May 30

2 Timothy 1:7 The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

James 2:17 Faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.

Romans 10:15-16 How are they to proclaim [the Lord] unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” 16 But not all have obeyed the good news.

Romans 14:8 If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.

2 Corinthians 8:9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sake He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.

May you not measure your righteousness against others’ unrighteousness, but may you always acknowledge the just and righteous God as Lord, accepting from His hand what He has for you. 2 Samuel 15

May you not lay claim to the presence and anointing of God, but allow God to lay claim to you. 2 Samuel 15

When anyone comes against you, may you always value those who are made in God’s image, never impugning the value in God’s eyes of those for whom Jesus died, but trust God Who has all hearts and tongues in His hand to turn the attack to their redemption and to hold authority over the influence of spiritual wickedness. 2 Samuel 15

When others hurl abuse and slander at you, may you leave the resolution in the hands of God as David did, though you be exhausted by it. 2 Samuel 16

May you trust the Father to see your distress and repay you blessing for the cursing you receive, just as Jesus trusted Him at Calvary, though it brings you to the death of your self. 2 Samuel 16

After all counselors and advisors have spoken, may you not fail to consult the Lord, as Absalom did, for he turned not to the ark of God. 2 Samuel 16

May you mistrust any recommendation that removes the option of reconciliation, for the Lord is a God of redemption. 2 Samuel 16

Learn of Me, My child, and in all your learning, obey.
Grow in knowledge of the Word, My studious one, and neglect not to walk it out.
Wait before Me in the spirit, My devoted one, for all that I have for you, then once you have My provision, My leading, My guidance, go forth in the understanding and assurance that I am with you.
Rest in My promises as your shelter during the stormy darkness when no man can work, then go forth with joy as calves from the stall when the Son rises with healing in His wings. Walk in My righteousness and speak with My wisdom and act in My love so that others may know that you have been with Me and waited on Me and listened to Me.
As you fellowship with Me in My light, you will take that light with you when you have fellowship with each other, sharing that light. In yourself, there is no light, but as you draw near to Me, the blessed and only Sovereign One, Who alone is immortal and dwells in unapproachable light, the carnal nature diminishes and your renewed mind flourishes as you receive and put on the mind of Christ.
Quiet yourself before Me as a weaned child, adding to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love; for as you learn of Me how to win mastery over your own vessel, you will no longer be ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of Me.
Learn of Me so that you can submit to Me, for then you can be My hands outstretched, open and forth-giving, always about the business of the Father.

May you be more concerned how God views an action than how man will react. John 18

May you desire to know God as the Word and the Spirit reveal him, rather than merely hearing what man has said. John 18

May you ever realize that you are graven on the hands of your Redeemer, inescapably on His mind and in His heart, as He continually makes intercession for you as your Advocate before the throne of the Father, and so be willing to keep your Creator and Savior, your Source and Master, ever in present memory, with thanks, praise and worship without ceasing, for He is deserving and worthy of all adulation and obedience! John 19

May you make the Lord your refuge and shield, putting your hope in His word and shunning the advice of evil and double-minded people, so that you may keep the commands of the Lord. Psalm 119

May you always have regard for God’s decrees, which sustain you according to His promise so that you will live, and uphold you according to His power so that you are delivered for, though the Lord rejects all who continually stray from His decrees and discards the persistently wicked like dross, because you love His statutes and stand in awe of His laws, your hopes will never be dashed. Psalm 119

May you do what is righteous and just, for God will not leave you to the mercy of your enemies or abandon you to those who are slanderous, but He will ensure your well-being and bless you as you labor in His service, backing you up by confirming His Word as you speak it into the lives of those He leads to you. Psalm 119

May you ever desire to go deeper in the Lord’s on-going process of salvation so that you may receive His righteous promise to deal with you according to His love as He teaches you His decrees. Psalm 119

May your love for God’s Word and your respect and awe for His ways prepare you to receive discernment from the Lord so that you may understand His statutes and realize that it is time for Him to act since His law is being broken. Psalm 119

May you speak with truth from God through the wisdom of the Spirit, for then you will not err in respect to justice or judgment. Proverbs 16:10

May 29

Acts 5:29 Peter and the other apostles replied: “We must obey God rather than men!”

Isaiah 41:13 For I hold you by your right hand— I, the Lord your God. And I say to you, ‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.

Acts 5:41 The apostles left the Sanhedrin, rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name.

James 1:2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.

2 Corinthians 1:20 For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.

John 7:38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.’

May you know that you have an Advocate with the Father, pleading your case, as the Comforter is working in your heart to bring conviction which leads to repentance, which brings hope and restoration. 2 Samuel 14

May you prefer the wisdom of God’s righteousness and the reverent obedience of humility which brings beauty in God’s sight to your soul, rather than the outward beauty which, for a time, may cover the deformity of a person’s prideful and arrogant heart. 2 Samuel 14

May you have the grace from God to discern the insolence behind the words which come from an unrepentant heart, though couched in subservient terms, lest the bitterness it contains come to fruition with great sorrow and pain. 2 Samuel 14

May you trust in God’s provision and patiently wait on God’s timing to bring to you the things you need for the tasks He assigns, knowing that He will prepare your heart and make you ready, for He will not be so unloving as to give you authority or power before you are matured enough to act responsibly with it. 2 Samuel 15

May you wear the world loosely, not grasping or defending what you have in your hand, clinging only to God in all circumstances, desiring simply that others not suffer when disputes arise, preferring rather to suffer loss and indignities for a time than to bring reproach to the name of the Lord. 2 Samuel 15, 1 Corinthians 6

May you have the same mind in you as did Jesus, Who withdrew when worldly authority would have been thrust upon Him, but stepped forward when His Father’s work was at hand, though it meant suffering, which He endured for the joy of the fellowship which would be attained. John 18

May you have, when needed, the Spirit in abundance so that when others do you injury unjustly, you do not respond with passionate resentment, but reason with them redemptively. John 18

I do not allow the proud or arrogant will to stand before Me, My chosen one, for that is rebellion against Me and rejection of the sovereignty of My Son. He, alone, is the One whom I have set over all kings and kingdoms, and given authority over all powers and principalities.
For that cause did I cast down the portion of My angelic creation who adhered to and agreed with the aspirations of Lucifer. Though he sang My praise, he desired My place, and the impurity in his heart became evil in his thoughts and rebellion in his hands.
My Son lived as a man to bring redemption to men, and those who come to Me through His blood are purged and cleansed, threshed and winnowed, so that no arrogance, no pride, no self-sufficiency will remain.
Look to your heart and mind, humbling yourself lest any seed remain to take root and grow, causing harm and loss of the prize that you strive for.
It is My mercy and compassion, expressed through My Son, that cleanses the temple before righteous judgment can bring My wrath.
Follow My Spirit Who will lead you in the way you must go, for He knows My mind and His leading is true and sure.

May you love God’s law and meditate on it all day long, for His commands make you wiser than your enemies, give you more insight than all your teachers, and grant you more understanding than the elders since you keep His promises ever with you, meditate day and night on His ways, and ever obey His precepts. Psalm 119

May you keep your feet from every evil path so that you might obey His word and not depart from His laws, for the Lord Himself has taught you. Psalm 119

May God’s word be a lamp to your feet and a light for your path. Psalm 119

May you not stray from God’s precepts nor forget His law, though you constantly face attack from the wicked who set a snare for you, for the Lord will preserve your life, just as He has promised, as He accepts the willing praise from your mouth in the midst of your fight. Psalm 119

May your heart be set on keeping God’s statutes to the very end for they are your heritage forever and the source of joy to your heart. Psalm 119

May you walk in righteousness and godliness, though you have few possessions and little gain, rather than dishonesty and injustice, though it brings abundant income and much property. Proverbs 16:8

May what you have come to you in righteousness, be held in righteous claim, be used in a righteous manner, be invested in righteous purposes, and attended with a life of righteousness and holiness of Christ. Proverbs 16:8

May your preparation and planning of your journey and purpose give room for God to direct your steps on the way to your destination. Proverbs 16:9

May 28

Deuteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the revealed things belong to us and to our children forever, to observe all the words of this law.

Isaiah 9:6 To us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Luke 22:19 [Jesus] took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.”

John 13:16-17 I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. 17 Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.

1 Peter 4:17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

Micah 7:18-19 Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? 19 He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities.

May you be willing to suffer the greatest wrong rather than to commit the least sin, lest like David, the anguish of chastisement persist. 2 Samuel 13

May you ever feel the love of the Father for those who need it most, who are least prepared to die. 2 Samuel 13

May the friends you choose and the counsel you seek be from those of the household of God, lest the advice you receive and the influence you accept lead you from the path of life and into wickedness and death. 2 Samuel 13

May you bring glory to God on earth by completing the work He gives you to do. John 17

May you reveal Jesus to those the Spirit leads you to, that they may, through Christ, come to the Father as you speak the words He gives you and you pray for those in whom He has placed a hunger for the deep and eternal things of God. John 17

May you not expect to be rich or great in the world, but that you may receive the true and eternal treasure of unity in the affection of the Father and the co-labors with His children, as well as protection from attacks of the enemy, deliverance from the wrath of men, and strength to withstand the corruption of the sinful nature that remains in our flesh. John 17

May you desire, and pray, for the sanctification of holiness through the grace of God which Jesus desired, and prayed, for you, and for which He sanctified Himself. John 17

May you also be in the Father and the Son, so that the world may believe that the Son has been sent by the Father when they see the people who call upon the name of God keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, more and more united in one mind and one desire. John 17

May you be comforted and receive peace with complete assurance that the desire of the heart of Jesus is for you to be with Him in the glory the Father has given Him Whom He has loved before the creation of the world. John 17

The love that I have for you, My child, is strong and enduring, never wavering, always active on your behalf.
Give Me first place in your heart, My dear one, and My love will flow out to all the others I have placed in your life – in your family, at your work, around your neighborhood.
If you love yourself more than Me, you will care for others less, for you will be out of balance. If you regard anyone over Me, you will not have proper respect for yourself, for they cannot give you the strength of life you need.
Honor Me highest, fear Me most, love Me first, and I will keep all things in balance in your relationships, and you will find you have power with Me in your prayers for others in need, and authority in My name on the behalf of those in warfare.
My love, expressed through your life, will not seek for your own needs but will strive for the needs and the welfare of others. By this will all men know that you are of My family, for those in the world do not offer the open hand that I call you to offer.
Just as My compassions are new every morning, so must you turn to Me each day. Release those aspects of your character that the world calls “strength” but that you will find to be isolating and separating from Me.
Put on the new man daily, and be blessed with the riches I give you. These riches are not to be stored or hoarded as the world does, but given as I direct for the growth of My kingdom.
When you follow My guidance, you will see My kingdom increase both in numbers, as others are drawn to Me, and in area, as more of your heart is reclaimed and brought under My loving care and watchful protection.

May you put your hope in the Word of the Lord, even when you desperately long for deliverance, and your eyes grow weary looking for God’s promises to be fulfilled. Psalm 119

May you embrace God’s precepts and obey God’s directives, even though men persecute you without cause and the arrogant and lawless dig pitfalls for you, for all His commands are trustworthy and the Lord will preserve your life according to His abundant love. Psalm 119

May God’s Word be your delight for it is eternal, standing firm in the heavens, and remaining trustworthy through all generations, enduring to this very day, even to preserving your life as you have sought out the Lord’s precepts, followed His leadings and remembered His promises. Psalm 119

May the fear of the Lord keep you away from evil, as His unfailing love and faithfulness atones for your iniquity. Proverbs 16:6

May your choices and actions bring pleasure to the Lord, for He can make even your enemies to be a peace with you. Proverbs 16:7

May 27

Luke 5:27 After this, Jesus went out and saw a tax collector by the name of Levi sitting at his tax booth. “Follow me,” Jesus said to him, and Levi got up, left everything and followed him.

Matthew 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

1 Corinthians 15:20 But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.

1 Thessalonians 4:14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus.

Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

1 Peter 2:9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession…

May you ever live repentantly before God, that you may live and not die, for at the feet of the Lord Almighty, who can claim to be righteous in themselves? 2 Samuel 12

May you always watch and pray, keeping your eyes on the Father and your heart open to the Spirit, so that you will not enter into temptation by obeying the flesh as David did but, yielding your spirit to the Lord, you will obey God as Jesus did, rather than react to the circumstances and give the enemies of God opportunity to bring reproach and contempt. 2 Samuel 12, Mark 14

May you ever make it your practice to do in private that which you are willing to have proclaimed before the world and those things for which you are willing to be repaid before all, for God knows your heart and will honor those who honor Him, exalting those who humble themselves and repaying those who give to Him of themselves for the sake of others. 2 Samuel 12, Matthew 6, Matthew 10, Luke 12

May you submit all you have, all you are, and all you love to the will and purpose of God, Who acts justly and in love, and sins not, for if He removes some from your hand, He is also gracious and will bring to you that which will grant greater glory than you can imagine. 2 Samuel 12

May you not be troubled in your heart over what caused the troubles that come or which source produced the trials you face, but rather seek to know what task the Lord would have them fulfill and what glory they will bring to His name as they run their course in your life. John 16

May you remember that as the seasons of your life progress, the sorrows will dissipate and the joys will accumulate through the office of the Holy Spirit, Who is your Comforter, for when you look back to the time of distress and the rejoicing of God’s foes, where is, now, their joy and what has become, now, of your sorrow? John 16

May you have peace in the Lord through His Word – though you have trouble, tribulation, and distress in the world, take courage, for Jesus has deprived it of power to harm you and has won the victory over the world. John 16

My child, do you wonder why you were selected and picked out for My blessings, My presence, My salvation? Do you question the choice I have made to train and equip you, placing you in the work I have called you to? Do you marvel over how the One Who knows all things could have erred so profoundly and slipped up on this occasion when you were assigned the task and given the responsibilities that you now find yourself surrounded by and feel incapable of meeting?
My dear one, I understand the confusion you feel when you huddle on the throne-room floor before the great and high King, from Whom comes all life and blessings, and Who brings swift and total destruction upon His enemies. The knowledge of yourself, of your behavior and thoughts, the fightings within and the conflicts without, give you no assurance of being one who can qualify to receive the outpouring of favor that others are granted, but only to expect the quick flash of displeasure and anger leading to the doom and destruction that is the sure end of those who have displeased Him.
My precious one, do you not know? Have you not realized? I am well-pleased with My Son, Who was obedient to My wishes unto death, even the death of the cross, emptying Himself of His rights, His privileges, His entitlements, His opinions, His choices, and taking on Himself the form of flesh so that He could walk in all that mankind faces, knowing and understanding the temptations and weaknesses that humanity is heir to, so that He can rescue whosoever will. I have given Him all that is Mine, and made His name higher than every other name.
Do you still not understand? When I look on you and see your heart, I find that you bear the image of My Son. To see you is to be reminded of the One I love most of all. That guarantees you a perpetual place at My table, and ensures that you are provided for in perpetuity from the riches of My grace and the abundance of My compassion, for your disabilities will be healed and your shortcomings will be made whole because of the One Whom we both love.
Do not hesitate, My beloved one, but enter into the joys of the kingdom!

May you believe in the commands of the Lord for He is good and what He does is good, therefore He will teach you knowledge and good judgment so that you may obey His word, and no longer stray lest you receive the affliction and chastisement of His love. Psalm 119

May you keep God’s precepts with all your heart, for though the arrogant have smeared you with lies because their hearts are callous and unfeeling, yet you delight in His law. Psalm 119

May you learn the ways of the Lord as you are taught to walk in humility with God. Psalm 119

May the truth from God’s mouth be more precious to you than thousands of pieces of silver and gold. Psalm 119

May you put your hope in the Word of the One Whose hands have made you and formed you and given you understanding to learn His commands, for when those who fear God see you, they will rejoice at the blessing of God. Psalm 119

May you comfort yourself in God’s unfailing love, for the Lord’s laws are righteous and He has disciplined you in faithfulness, meeting your need according to His promise. Psalm 119

May you meditate on His precepts with a blameless heart so that you will not be put to shame, but rather the arrogant will be disgraced for wronging you without cause. Psalm 119

May you delight in God’s law so that His compassion may come to you and let you live even as those who fear God and understand His statutes turn to you in delight. Psalm 119

May you trust in the wisdom of the Lord, Who has made everything for His own purpose and works everything out to its proper end for those who submit to Him, for all things are answerable to Him, including the wicked at the day of disaster. Proverbs 16:4

May you walk in God’s ways with humility and justice, foregoing any agreement or pact with the arrogant and proud of heart, for everyone with a conceited heart is disgusting to the Lord and will not be without chastening. Proverbs 16:5

May 26

Romans 8:38-39 Paul wrote, “I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Philippians 2:10 so that every knee will bow to the name of Jesus — everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earth.

Ephesians 1:21 [Christ is seated] far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.

Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.

Psalm 86:15 But You, O Lord, are a God full of compassion, and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in mercy and truth.

Jeremiah 33:3 Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

May you seek out those who are dear to the Lord, those who are bound, and lame, and held captive by fear, and demonstrate the kindness of the Lord through His love. 2 Samuel 9

May you understand that the reproach and ill-will of others is what they always carry in their heart, and that it is expressed, not because of who you are, but because of Who you represent, and knowing that the unjust contempt will fade, draw aside for a time, resting in the loving care of the Lord. 2 Samuel 10

May your hands be diligently about your duty, and your eyes ever kept on God, as you are taken by your feet to the places God has appointed you to be, that you may escape temptation and avoid the way of sin. 2 Samuel 11

May you realize that the world hates you just as it hated Jesus first, for you no longer belong to the world since He has chosen you out of the world. John 15

May you daily renew your connection with the vine, just as the vine daily renews the mercies that bring life, that you may be fruitful and glorify the Father. John 15, Lamentations 3

May you see, in the Word and by the Spirit, the height and breadth and depth and width of God’s love for you, so that you may understand the value which others, as well, have to the Father, and be able to willingly express His love to those around you by obeying His commands. John15

My child, do not fear to make mistakes.
You are weak, and you have limited understanding; you are human. I am God, and I am your great and loving Shepherd. I know you need watchful care, and I am always attentive, never sleeping.
I do not make allowance for persistent and continual rebellion, but I work with those who love Me. I teach those who desire to be with Me to know My voice and follow Me more closely, that they may safely rest in peace, for that is My gift to you.
It is when you utterly abandon yourself to that which you have seen and received from Me, having touched and been touched by My heart, that you are most likely to err in your zeal with limited understanding and through your own resources, But that is when I give the greatest care to you, knowing that your love for Me is motivating you.
I would rather you were hot or cold, for then I can give you direction and provide you the discipline that teaches and guides you in the way you should go. When you are double-minded, indeterminate, lukewarm, indifferent, without fervor for or against the work of God, I will not take the time to unsettle your comfortable world-view.
However, when you find yourself in a dead-end, having pursued My will with a desire to see Me glorified, I will not leave you or forsake you. My rod and My staff will rescue you, lifting you out of the hole you ended up in. You will have the assurance of My loving presence and never-ending merciful compassion, for I know that it was Me you were pursuing.
Though you may be headstrong, I will never reject you. Though you are timid, I will always encourage you. I will never allow blunders and mistakes to entrap you in destruction. Instead, they will form the basis of My teaching and drawing that brings you nearer and reveals Me more clearly. I see your heart and I know that it is not stubborn individuality and self-will which motivates your choices, but a passionate desire to please Me through obedience to My purpose.
Learn of Me, My dear one, through patient waiting before Me as well as through active participation with Me, for I am with you to train you in the way you should go.

May you remember the time-tested regulations and well-proven judgments of the Lord, finding hope, comfort, and instruction in them during suffering, for the Lord remembers His promise to enliven you and to quicken your life even though the arrogant constantly mocks you without restraint and the proud cruelly derides you in utter contempt, therefore you do not turn from God’s word. Psalm 119

May you obey the Lord’s precepts daily and remember the name of the Lord in the night so that the decrees of the Lord will be the theme of your song wherever you lodge. Psalm 119

May you seek God’s face and entreat His presence with all your heart for He is your portion; as you have promised to obey God’s words, so He has promised to be gracious to you. Psalm 119

May you not forget God’s law though the wicked bind you with ropes, but hasten and not delay to obey His commands since you have considered your ways and turned your steps to His statutes. Psalm 119

May your soul lift up thanks to the Lord for His righteous laws even in the middle of the darkest trials and most stubborn struggles, for the earth is filled with the love of the Lord, Who teaches you His decrees, making you a friend to all who fear Him and follow His precepts. Psalm 119

May you submit the intents of your heart and the planning of your thoughts to the Lord, so that the reply of your tongue may be from the fullness of God’s heart. Proverbs 16:1

May you accept the Lord’s verdict as He weighs the motive of your spirit and the intent of your heart, bringing circumstances designed to reveal what you cannot see within you by your response to what surrounds you. May you allow Him to complete His work in your life by the cleansing of the Word and the power of the Spirit. Proverbs 16:2

May you lay your works open to the Lord, entrusting to Him your efforts and committing to Him your deeds, and He will establish your thoughts and bring success to your plans. Proverbs 16:3

May 25

Mark 1:35 Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.

Psalm 92:1-2 It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; 2 to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night.

Matthew 6:33 Strive first for the kingdom of God…and all these things will be given to you as well.

Romans 5:10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to Him through the death of His Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through His life!

Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God

Numbers 6:24-26 The LORD bless you, and keep you; 25 The LORD make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you; 26 The LORD lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.

May the Lord God keep forever the promises He has made concerning you, His servant, doing as He has promised so that His name will always be great, for He is God and His words, in which He has promised good things to you, are trustworthy. 2 Samuel 7

May the Lord provide a place for you and plant you so that you can have a home of your own and no longer be disturbed or oppressed by wicked foes, and bring the redemption of God to those who have been kept in bondage and made to serve their evil masters, giving you rest from all your enemies. 2 Samuel 7

May the Lord give you victory wherever you serve. 2 Samuel 8

May you walk before the Lord in obedience, always seeking His face and desiring to do for His people what is just and right. 2 Samuel 8

May you love the Lord by obeying what He commands, for because He lives, you also will live, and He and the Father will live in you as the Spirit of truth resides with you forever. John 14

May you not let your heart be troubled or be afraid, for the Lord gives you His peace, leaving it with you as you reside in the world. John 14

Walk with Me in the marketplace, My child, as the servant of a rich man would.
Follow Me as I go where I will, from one to another in the crowded, busy market-square of life, stopping at one stall, moving to another, halting before a mendicant, then moving on, speaking to all, greeting many as well-known, addressing others with introductions.
As a loyal servant, you do not set the course, but you obediently follow Me, keeping a close eye on Me, staying near lest anyone or anything come between us, preventing you from hearing My command and obeying My desire.
As I lead you through the marketplace, I carry nothing but give to you, My servant, a bag to carry, already full and heavy. It is filled with My riches, My treasure, for who goes to the market place with empty hands?
You wait as I stop and speak to one, and listening, you hear Me say to give this person a particular coin or a specific gem or a beautiful ornament of worked gold. In obedience, you reach in the bag you carry for me and find that particular item is there, ready to be given to the individual at My command.
It matters not whether the person receiving the priceless treasure is a rich and well-known merchant or prince, or if they are a beggar who has just recently arrived at the marketplace; you are not called on to judge the worthiness of the recipient, but only to obey your Master.
When you were first given this duty, you tried to understand the reason and logic of where I would go and what I would direct you to give and who would receive the treasures you carried. But as you simply obey, not leaning on your own understanding, you learn that My directions can always be trusted because you have seen the benefits that result. There is no mistaking the change in the lives, the improvement that is shown, the gratitude that is expressed to Me when I stop to see someone again later.
Rejoice, My careful one, and be at peace, knowing that the treasure I give you to carry is not your responsibility. Simply obey Me, and share the joy of the life that results in others as you give freely at My command.

May you obey with all your heart the decrees that the Lord teaches you about and keep to the end the law that the Lord gives you understanding of. Psalm 119

May the Lord walk with you in the delightful path of His commands, turning your whole heart eagerly toward His statutes and your eyes away from vanity and worthless things like selfish gain, fulfilling His promise to revive you and quicken you in a new life and vigorous health, according to His word. Psalm 119

May the Lord confirm His word and fulfill His promise to you so that He may receive the respect, reverent fear, and devoted worship of many, by delivering you from the shame, reproach, and disgrace you dread and renewing and refreshing your life in His righteousness and justice, since you long for His guiding principles which are excellent. Psalm 119

May you lean on, rely in, and trust the promise of the Word of the Lord, and receive the faithful mercies and unfailing love of His salvation, for then you can answer the one who taunts and reproaches you with insults, lies and doubts, bringing into subjection to Christ every stray and passing thought which exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Psalm 119, 2 Corinthians 10

May you seek out, inquire for, and desperately require His truth and His promises, continually hearing, receiving, loving and obeying His law, speaking His testimonies boldly and without shame before principalities and powers, so that the Lord will establish His word in your mouth and grant you to walk in the freedom of His Spirit. Psalm 119

May you walk in the fear of the Lord, which is the discipline leading to wisdom, and the awe of the Lord, which provides the instruction of life, for just as Jesus walked meekly through His life on earth, knowing that His glory was ahead of Him, so do we walk in humility through testing and trying, for the Father will bestow honor on us in due time. Proverbs 15:33

May 24

Luke 13:8 “Sir,” the man replied, “leave [the tree] alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it.”

Matthew 5:44-45 Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be children of your Father in heaven.

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and may find grace to help in time of need.

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

2 Corinthians 8:9 You know the generous grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that by his poverty he could make you rich.

Philippians 2:5-8 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, 6 who… 8 humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

May you trust and rely on the Lord alone to fulfill His promises, worshiping where He has placed you and obeying what He has commanded you, withholding your hand from grasping what God has said is yours, and not seeking or rewarding the arm of man who would act, or the wisdom of man who would scheme, to achieve the goal you desire. 2 Samuel 4

May you know that the blessings of God and His answers to prayer in your life are to establish you for the sake of your testimony and witness to others, that they may be drawn into the kingdom of God and know the salvation of the Lord as you lift Him up and make much of Him. 2 Samuel 5

May you always seek the Lord to know His heart and to hear His voice, never resting on past experiences, for He is an eternally creative God and has countless ways in which to glorify Himself, if you will but hear what He says. 2 Samuel 5

May you celebrate before the Lord, willing to become even more undignified in true worship as you honor and proclaim His magnificence, losing yourself before the awesomeness of the Lord God Almighty Who has reclaimed you unto Himself, forgiving your sins, healing your diseases, redeeming your life, crowning you with love, satisfying your desires, renewing your youth, bestowing compassion on you, and remembering His covenant with you. 2 Samuel 6

May you love others just as Christ, without reservation or judgment, has loved you, for by this will all men know that you are His disciple, and they will see the Father for themselves. John 13

May you not let your heart be troubled, but trust in the Father even as you have trusted in Jesus, for even as He has gone away to prepare a place for you, so shall He certainly return to take you with Him to that prepared place. John 14

May you have faith in Jesus, for as He has gone to the Father, you will do the same things, and greater, that Jesus did as training and demonstration to us, that we may be encouraged to seek the Father’s heart and mind, doing what we see Him doing and saying what we hear Him saying, through the Spirit of God which has been sent to bring us into all truth with power to be witnesses unto all people for the glory of the Father. John 14

Walk by My Spirit, My child, lest you carry out the desire of the flesh and grieve the Holy Spirit of God by Whom you have been sealed for the day of redemption.
Walk with the angel of My presence, My afflicted one, for with Him you will find My love and My mercy, and He will lift and carry you to the fulfillment of My redemption.
Accept the ministration of the Helper Whom My Father has sent in My Name, My searching one, for He will teach you all things and bring to remembrance all that I say to you. Thereby you will have the assurance that you abide in Me, and I in you, for the Spirit has been given as an indication of how earnest I am in keeping My promise to you.
Follow the directions and guidance of the Spirit, My dedicated one, for He leads you where the Father has designated for you to go. Though at times He will lead you into sorrow and repentance, difficulty and challenge, fasting and weeping, mourning and fearful reverence, I will always be there to strengthen you and bring peace to your heart. He prompts you to seek God before destruction arrives, whether on a personal level or a grander scale, for there is work that must be done before darkness falls, when no man can work.
Know, My willing one, that those who go forth weeping, sowing good seed with tears will return in the light of day with shouts of joy bearing the sheaves of the harvest.

May you obey His word and do service to the Lord, for His blessings endure forever. Psalm 119

May the Lord open your eyes to the amazing promises and wonderful truths God has put in His word, and give you a consuming hunger for the Bread of Life at all times, for you are a citizen of God’s kingdom and only a sojourner on earth. Psalm 119

May God remove those rulers and authorities which cooperate in an attempt to slander you, desiring to heap scorn and contempt upon you as you keep His statutes, finding His promises to be delightful, and a source of wise counsel, as you meditate on them in your service to the Lord. Psalm 119

May God preserve your life when you are laid low, according to His promise, and answer your request to understand the precepts He teaches you so that you may meditate on His wonders. Psalm 119

May God strengthen you according to His word when your soul is weary with sorrow, and be gracious to you through His law as you abstain from deceitful ways, since you have chosen the way of truth and set your heart on His laws, holding fast to the Lord’s statutes and running in the path of His commands, therefore He has set your heart free from all shame. Psalm 119

May you accept correction given in love and heed life-giving reproof, even as the wise do. Proverbs 15:31

May you gain understanding as you heed correction and yield to reproof, lest by neglecting discipline you begin to despise yourself. Proverbs 15:32

May 23

1 Thessalonians 5:23 May God Himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 12:3 Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name.

Ephesians 2:4-5 But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 5 even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ…

1 John 5:13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life.

Joshua 1:8 This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

Hebrews 12:2 …fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

May you not glory in your abilities nor depend on your strengths for the tasks assigned, but give honor to the Lord, Who has blessed you with the talents necessary for the work, and may you always be attentive to hear wisdom. 2 Samuel 2

May the Lord repay evildoers according to their unrepented deeds, for though you are anointed of God for a purpose, there are always powers greater than you. 2 Samuel 3

When you feel you are not worthy of God’s blessing, may you understand the work it is intended to do in your heart and in your life, changing you to reveal the Son of God more clearly to others, drawing you closer to the Father so you can see what He wishes to do in the lives of others and hear what He desires to say to the hearts of those around you. John 13

May you follow the examples Jesus has given us, that you may be a faithful servant and a trusted messenger, for you will be blessed as you do those things you now know. John 13

Hear Me, My child, as I speak words of strength and of comfort to you, drawing you into My presence, shutting away the world and its distractions.
Do not fear that the events of the day will tumble out of control if you fail to keep an eye on them; know that I will keep the world on an even keel while you are ensconced in My Spirit and embraced in My love. Turn the eyes of your heart upon Me, My love, and gaze steadily upon Me so that you may know the truth and the depth of My desire for you, personally.
Let the reality of My passion for you sink into your heart and mind, that you may be willing to return that love, reflecting the same devotion back to Me, releasing the ties you have to things and activities in the ever-changing, always-shifting seasons and styles of the world.
Do not merely know of Me, My seeking one, depending on what others have said about Me. Rather, take this opportunity to know Who I am for yourself, directly from Me, hearing the truth in your heart and seeing the reality in My face.
Let My love strengthen you, for I have work to do in your life, cleansing to accomplish that requires your cooperation. There is cleansing needed in the temple of your heart, which was created as My dwelling place, but which has been infiltrated by other powers.
I have made you righteous in the sight of God, accepted in the Beloved, and I wish to see you resting comfortably in My Spirit, at peace in your relationship with Me, moving with confidence in the power of My Word. For this reason, I am guiding you, training you, emboldening you to wage war on the strongholds that remain in your life.
I am with you, My precious one, every step of the way, and will show you just who you are in Me, and to Me.

May your ways be blameless as you walk according to the law of the Lord, keeping His statutes and seeking Him with all your heart, doing no wrong as you walk in His ways, fully obeying the precepts He has laid down, that you may be blessed of God. Psalm 119

May your choices consistently reflect God’s nature so that your actions may steadfastly follow God’s ways, for then you will not feel shame when you consider God’s commands. Psalm 119

May you praise God with an upright heart as you learn His righteous laws, for He will not give up on you as you work at following His decrees. Psalm 119

May you guard your life’s way according to God’s instructions so that you may cleanse your path and keep your behavior pure. Psalm 119

May you seek God wholeheartedly so that He will not let you drift or wander or stray from His commands. Psalm 119

May you store God’s word in your heart as treasure so that you might not sin against Him. Psalm 119

May your life proclaim loudly and declare boldly all the promises from God’s heart. Psalm 119

May you exult in the lifestyle revealed by God’s instructions the way others revel in great riches. Psalm 119

May you reflectively think on God’s principles and attentively watch His methods. Psalm 119

May the Lord, Who is far from the wicked, turn His ear to your prayer, hearing and answering, as He does for all who live in His righteousness. Proverbs 15:29

May the Lord show you those things which bring light to your eyes and joy to your heart, even as He tells you those things which bring prosperity to your soul and health to your body. Proverbs 15:30

May 22

Habakkuk 3:17-18 Though the fig tree does not blossom, and no fruit is on the vines; though the produce of the olive fails, and the fields yield no food; though the flock is cut off from the fold, and there is no herd in the stalls, 18 yet I will rejoice in the Lord.

Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Galatians 5:22-23 the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Matthew 6:33 Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.

Isaiah 43:1 But now, thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are Mine.”

Psalm 32:1 How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!

May you sorrow over the loss of any of God’s people, understanding the love of the Father for all, desiring as He does that none should perish. 2 Samuel 1

May you wait patiently, occupying each day with all that God brings you, trusting God to fulfill His promises, moving only when God directs, going only where He leads, stopping where He says stop, for in obedience to the Lord is valuable training for the future. 2 Samuel 2

May you follow Jesus so that you may serve Him, for where He is, His servants will be also, and the Father will honor all who serve His Son. John 12

May you willingly give yourself to the Sower as a seed, dying to your solitary seed nature, gladly growing where you are planted, that as your nature changes and Christ grows in and through you, many more seeds will be produced through the death and loss of your original solitary seed nature. John 12

May your heart be toward God, and desirous of His truth, that your spirit may be quickened to hear His voice at the times that others would only hear thunder. John 12

May you hear the Word of the Lord and believe, not only in Jesus but in the Father, for when you look to the Son, you are seeing the Father, Who sent the Son to be a light that you would not need to stay in darkness. John 12

The trial of your faith, My child, is in My hands, and is done by My love for you.
What comes upon you, I allow, though I do not send. I set the boundaries, My love, allowing nothing to touch you without permission, and making preparation for you in everything that I allow.
I am the Lord, and no mere mortal; therefore I am drawing you upward and transforming you into My image. I am leading you in the right way, though you may wonder, at times, whether you have gotten off the proper trail.
When the strength and hope of yesterday are lost in the gloom and shadow that cover the sky and fill the valley today, know in your heart that the eclipsing of your faith and the fainting of your hope are as much a part of My method of maturing and stabilizing you in My Spirit as the lifting of your head and expanding of your heart. I am readying you for the inheritance that has been prepared for you.
Follow My lead, My dear one, for I will continually bless and keep you in peace in every circumstance, if you will but listen for My voice speaking comfort to your heart. Even through the gusty darkness of the storm, My face constantly shines on you with grace and favor you can see, if you look with My eyes for it.
Do not be distracted by what is occurring, My precious pearl, but as you do what is needed, always keep that one primary focus and concern on the only thing which is necessary – that which Mary sought, and which was never taken from her, though her sister, Martha, complained.
There is much tribulation in the world, for all are searching for your sin to condemn you. The enemy, other people, even your own conscience will seek to tear you down and steal your peace; however, I do not keep records of offenses forgiven nor do I allow grievances to be filed on them.
Though I convict you of sin, once you turn to Me, I issue a full pardon and expunge the records, for My atonement and absolution is not merely royal, but is divine.

May you enter the gate of the Lord through which the righteous may pass and give Him thanks for He has answered you and become your salvation. Psalm 118

May you rejoice in this day and be glad, for the Lord has made it, and it is marvelous in the eyes of His people. Psalm 118

May the Lord save you and grant you success, for as you go in the name of the Lord, you will be blessed from the house of the Lord. Psalm 118

May you give thanks and exalt the Lord, for He is God and has made His light to shine upon you; He is good and His love endures forever. Psalm 118

May your heart meditatively weigh, and your mind carefully consider, each answer, lest you be like the wicked whose mouth blurts out evil things. Proverbs 15:28

May you love your whole family and care for your entire household enough to disdain the gifts of men and the bribes of the unjust which greed desires and dishonesty attracts, so that you may live. Proverbs 15:27

May 21

Judges 6:23 The Lord said to [Gideon], “Peace! Do not be afraid. You are not going to die.”

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he who is faithful and just will forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Isaiah 65:17 See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.

Matthew 6:10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Psalm 112:1,3,9 Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!… 3 Wealth and riches are in his house,and his righteousness endures forever.… 9 He has distributed freely; he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever; his horn is exalted in honor.

Psalm 68:3-4 But let the [uncompromisingly] righteous be glad; let them be in high spirits and glory before God, yes, let them [jubilantly] rejoice! 4 Sing to God, sing praises to His name, cast up a highway for Him Who rides through the deserts—His name is the Lord–be in high spirits and glory before Him!

As you devote yourself to the Lord to the fullest extent you can, and seek His guidance in the midst of turmoil and upheaval, may you trust in God to control the circumstances and the opinions around you in the way He chooses, accepting with humble obedience the turn of events as being from His hand for your good, and always remain attentive in your heart toward His Spirit. 1 Samuel 29

When the attacks of the enemy appear overwhelming and total, may you find strength in the Lord your God as you turn to Him for direction. 1 Samuel 30

May you always consider the condition of others as you go along your way, and show mercy when the need arises, giving compassion even where it does not appear you can be repaid, for the Lord will show you His favor as you show others His grace. 1 Samuel 30

May you trust in the promises you have received of God when you sought Him for direction, and know that even when your material resources are diminished, it is the hand of God that will be working to bring you the victory, though the battle lasts long, so that glory will be received by the Lord of lords. 1 Samuel 30

May you be determined in your heart and set in your will to persist in the battle until the victory is complete when you consider what the enemy has stolen, and how the captives are being treated. 1 Samuel 30

May you be generous with God’s abundant blessings and gracious to those within your influence, slighting none for lack of ability or involvement, but being fair and even-handed whether their influence can be helpful or not. 1 Samuel 30

May you recognize the paramount need to fear God rather than man, for man can only destroy the body, as they did with Jesus, whereas God is able to raise the body, incorruptible, if you have followed Him in truth and spirit, or destroy both body and soul, if you have rejected His salvation to seek after others. 1 Samuel 31

May you know that a kindness done in humility and purity of heart will be returned, for God will not overlook those who walk in the Spirit of His Son. 1 Samuel 31

May you willingly prepare yourself to meet with the Lord, voluntarily seeking and submitting to the cleansing and purifying of the Spirit Who advises and counsels the Bride on how to approach and please the King. John 11

May you not walk in your carnal understanding to follow the instruction of the Lord, lest you do in the natural what He has spoken about the spiritual, for Martha did not stop serving, she simply stayed closer to listen, and no longer criticized Mary. John 12

May you be willing to pour upon Christ, the Anointed One, the richest of praise and most precious of worship from within your heart and out of the depths of your spirit, for by doing so, you will change the atmosphere around you. John 12

May you have the grace to see that those who obediently serve or work in ways different than you do are still providing acceptable service to the King. John 12

Do not disdain the simplicity of My way, My child. Do not dress it up in vanity or adorn it with what looks “right.” Time is short for the harvest, and you need merely to thrust the sickle in to gather My own to Me.
Lift Me up, My wavering worker, speak of Me, make much of Me, adore Me as My love for you prompts, for the undecided one to whom I have led you needs only to look unto Me to be saved. For so long they have looked elsewhere, and now I have brought you to them to point to Me, in simplicity rather than theology, in truth rather than tradition.
No exhausting preparation or fierce effort of will is needed, sparkling wit and overwhelming wisdom are not requirements; simply a pointing finger to know where to look, for the Spirit is upon you to anoint both – on you to testify and the other to receive the faith to believe.
Not all will respond, but all will be given the opportunity to hear and chose. Any rejection is not rejecting you, but is rejecting Me, so do not close down your heart or harden your soul against the pain, for I will not.
I will remain vulnerable despite the suffering of so many rejections by so many whom I love, and for whom I have done so much to rescue them from the destruction they have chosen. They need only to look to Me at any time before their final heartbeat, and I will receive them, so I will not turn My back on any who remain uncertain and undecided in their heart.
You will not know them by their actions, My precious one, but I know them each by their hearts. Do not let the ferocity of their words or the violence of their actions dissuade you, My willing one, for many broken and seeking hearts are defended by harsh and defensive outer shells. But My Spirit has full access to their hearts to speak whispers of love that they long to believe, needing only the testimony of your words to provide the witness they need to break through into the life of My salvation.
Speak My simple words of truth, My love, nothing more is needed.

May you watch for opportunities of service, allowing the Spirit to lead you to the ones He is directing you to, involving yourself in those of the most immediate need as the highest priority. John 12

May you honor the King for the works of the kingdom, letting your heart be drawn to know Him personally, lest you find yourself resisting the change He brings as He causes tradition to fall by fulfilling the forms that have been followed for so long. John 12

May you learn the word of God, reading it all and storing it in your memory, though understanding does not immediately follow, for as you bring in the summer and fall produce, storing it for winter, you will gain the wisdom from the Spirit to rightly divide the Word of Truth when the need arises. John 12

May you give thanks to the Lord, for He is good and His love endures forever. Psalm 118

May you cry to the Lord when you are in anguish because He will answer by setting you free, for who can be afraid when the Lord is with them – what can man do to you? Psalm 118

May you take refuge in the Lord and forsake any trust you put in man, even in princes. Psalm 118

May the Lord, Who is your strength and your song, your very salvation, help you when you are pushed back and about to fall, for though the powers which are against the Lord surround you like bees, you cut them off in the name of the Lord and they die out as quickly as burning thorns. Psalm 118

May shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous, proclaiming that the Lord’s right hand, lifted high, has done mighty things! Psalm 118

May the Lord lead your path upward toward life, like He does for those who are prudent, wise and discerning, as you walk in His victory and leave the grave behind. Proverbs 15:24

May the Lord establish your boundaries, protect your property, and strengthen your inheritance from all arrogant evil-doers, even as He does for the widow, though He roots up, tears down and utterly destroys the house of the proud. Proverbs 15:25

May the thoughts of your mind be pure and the words of your mouth be pleasant so that they may show the grace of God and be confirmed by the Lord as He takes delight in them. Proverbs 15:26