May you be granted to see with the eyes of Christ, and value with the understanding of the Lord, the beauty of those adorned with humility, modesty, simplicity and sincerity, as He is expressed and demonstrated in their lives. Song of Songs 1
Category: Hope
September 05
May you keep the Lord elevated in your heart and exalted in your thoughts, so that when the anger of others rises against you, you do not run from it but take it to your King, for a calm assurance can lay great errors to rest. Ecclesiastes 10
September 04
May you not walk in worldly sorrow, which brings death, but in godly sorrow which bring repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, developing earnestness, eagerness to clear yourselves from the stain of sin, indignation, alarm and concern over evil, longing and readiness to see justice done, proving yourselves at every point to be innocent of involvement in wickedness. 2 Corinthians 7
September 03
May you sing to God a psalm of praise for He is the King of all the earth and reigns over the nations; He is seated on His holy throne as the nobles of the nations assemble before the God of Abraham for the kings of the earth belong to Him – He is greatly exalted. Psalm 47
September 02
May your eye never have enough of seeing the majesty of the Lord in His creation, nor your ear its fill of hearing the Word of God. Ecclesiastes 1
September 01
May you not condemn others to justify yourself, and may you place your hand over your mouth when God speaks, for who can reply to Him, but to praise and honor Him, for He is just. Job 40
August 31
May you marvel at the wonders of God's providence, and express the awesome reverence that the works of His hands causes in your spirit, for you know in your heart how mighty the King is and how worthy He is of worship and honor. Job 37
August 30
May you understand that the Lord makes us savable, and then woos us, drawing us with cords of love, making Himself vulnerable by demonstrating His care, accepting rejection repeatedly until we finally turn and accept what we need, and what only the Lord can supply. Job 36
August 29
May your heart not be led by your eyes, lest your hands be defiled in their work and your steps be turned from the path God has set, but may you stay faithfully following the way of God's love. Job 31
August 28
May you be as diligent in searching for the priceless wealth of God's eternal wisdom and His secure grace & mercy as miners are in digging through rock for perishable gemstones and gold that can be stolen. Job 28
August 27
May you recall that dominion and awe belong to God Who establishes order in the heights of heaven, for His forces cannot be numbered, and there is no one on whom His light does not rise. Job 25
August 26
May you not be offended by the prosperity of the wicked or concerned about the success of sinners, for if God chooses to deal with some in this way, it is because He knows their heart and would show them His grace, but always remember that the control of their prosperity is not in their own hands, but in His, and their counsel is not validated by their wealth. Job 21
August 25
May you be on your guard, standing firm in the faith as men of courage and be strong enough to do everything lovingly. 1 Corinthians 16
May you empty yourself of critical judgment based on man's wisdom and human understanding which knows that the wicked are miserable and therefore believes that the miserable are wicked