March 08

John 14:23 If anyone loves Me, he will obey My teaching. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.

Romans 6:8 Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with Him.

Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

Matthew 11:29 Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.

Revelation 21:4 [God] will wipe away every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more. There will be no mourning, crying, or pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

Psalm 36:8 They feast on the abundance of Your house; You give them drink from Your river of delights.

May you speak God’s truth and proclaim His Word, practicing His commandments and obeying His leadings for then He will rescue you from the enemies who oppress you, and deliver you from those who attack you in your own land, as He remembers you. Numbers 10

May you find satisfaction with the provision of the Lord, and give Him praise and thanks for what God has gifted you with, lest He turn from you when grumbling and murmuring causes a rift of rejection between you and His Holy Spirit. Numbers 11

May you not be dissuaded by the criticism from others of extravagance and inappropriateness when you express, through heartfelt worship, your thankfulness for the priceless gift of forgiveness and cleansing from sin through which you receive right standing in the Son and access to the Father’s presence and blessing, and may your praise be unto Him as fragrant incense, acceptable and pleasing. Mark 14

My child, you are dear to Me, and My love for you is unending. I protect you as you protect the pupil of your eye.
I always have you in My thoughts, making plans for you, making ways to surprise you with blessings that meet the desires of your heart. I stay close to you, to share your heart and mind, your thoughts and your feelings, as a lover who cannot get enough of the presence of the one who is loved.
I have numbered the hairs on your head, I know the steps you take through the day, I feel the joys and sorrows of your heart through the day, I hear the thoughts of your mind in the silence of the night.
Do you love Me in return? Am I the object of your contemplations? Do you turn to Me to share your thoughts and realizations? Does your curiosity mull over what you know of Me and seek to find out more? Is there a hunger in your heart to draw near, to search out My form and learn the details just because of Who I am?
You are always welcome in My presence, My child. I seek to draw you with My love; allow the pull of My Spirit to bring you near that you may know Me better and we may enjoy the fullness of our fellowship.
I have all that you need; I am the pattern for you to follow. Gaze on Me and learn in ever greater detail what I have to offer; receive the wisdom that will carry you through the trials of life.
Let the knowledge of My heart’s desire work through your life in expression to others, for that is the ministry that satisfies your desire like nothing else. Join Me in the spontaneous, restful ministry, the unstrained, loving care and compassion for those I encounter with you that meets others needs with the unfettered love of the Father.
Follow the pattern you see, My love, just as Moses did, just as My disciples do. Read of Me in My Word, pray to Me in My Spirit, walk with Me in My ministry, and learn more of Me each day as I speak to your heart, for I am always with you.

May God have mercy on you according to His unfailing and steadfast love, and through the multitude of His great compassion may He blot out your transgressions, repeatedly and thoroughly washing away all iniquity, cleansing you and making you wholly pure from your sin. Psalm 51

May the Lord, Who desires truth and deserves honesty from the heart, teach you the wisdom and practice of utter sincerity and truthfulness in your inmost being. Psalm 51

May the Lord let you hear joy and gladness once you are cleansed with the blood and made whiter than snow, and may you rejoice in His loving discipline. Psalm 51

May the Lord create in you a new, pure heart, filled with clean thoughts and right desires, and renew a right, persevering and steadfast spirit within you. Psalm 51

May the Lord not toss you aside, banished forever from His presence, or take His Holy Spirit from you, but restore to you again the joy of His salvation, and make you willing to obey Him, granting you a consenting and enthusiastically obedient spirit to uphold and sustain you, for then you will teach other sinners the ways of God and they, like you, will repent and return to Him. Psalm 51

May the God of your salvation deliver you from blood-guilt and the sentence of death, for then your lips will be unsealed and you will sing forth the praise of His forgiveness. Psalm 51

May you offer to God the sacrifice most acceptable to Him, that of remorse for sin and humble penitence from a broken spirit, for the Lord does not despise, nor will He ignore, a contrite heart sorrowing because of sin. Psalm 51

May you give wise and good advice as the righteous do, for a liar’s counsel is shunned. Proverbs 10:31

May you know what is fitting and speak what is helpful as the upright do, for the wicked speak only rebellion and perversity. Proverbs 10:32


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