March 01

1 Corinthians 13:5 [Love] keeps no record of wrongs.

1 John 3:1 How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know Him.

Psalm 143:8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.

Colossians 3:1 Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.

Philippians 2:5-8 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who…humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

2 John 1:6 Love means doing what God has commanded us, and he has commanded us to love one another, just as you heard from the beginning.

May you be joyful in receiving the oil of gladness which is expressed from the pressing trials and weighty concerns that come to your life, for with this clear, pure oil, light is given to show others the grace of God, the Spirit of life is given to the Bread of of the Presence, and the oil of anointing, with the fragrant spices, will make your face shine as the Lord consecrates you to Himself. Leviticus 24

May the lamp of the Lord burn continually in your heart, the tabernacle of God, as you tend it with the protection and care you give to a valued and precious treasure. Leviticus 24

May you let the Word of God strengthen you through the daily press of life, for as circumstances press tightly and grind away at your faith, the fine flour which is produced is able to feed and nourish many. Leviticus 24

May you honor the name of the Lord, Who brings you life and covers you with His mercies that you may know His love and bring the light of His glory to all those around you. Leviticus 24

May you trust God’s provision as He supplies your needs, sometimes from the increase He blesses your own effort with and sometimes, when you are in a sabbath of rest before Him, through His own abundance of grace, to confirm before all that the Lord, He is God. Leviticus 25

May you be careful to follow the way of the Lord, doing the duty He assigns as you follow Him in faith, for thought the world considers it absurd, you will see the power of God demonstrated in your life as He brings you liberty and freedom from the bondages of the past. Leviticus 25

May you recognize the grace of God that has given you His bounty, and the mercy of God which has prevented it from being consumed, and give, as His compassion leads, to those whose needs come before you, in service and in supply according to your ability because you fear God and desire to honor Him in the eyes of others. Leviticus 25

My child, do not let your faith waver. You have believed in Me in the past; believe in Me today, for I have not changed.
Though your circumstances are new, though your trials are fresh, though you are tested in new ways, know that I am the same, yesterday, today, and always, and My grace is abundant and sufficient for what you face.
Though the north wind blows, it will not harm you; it only carries to others the fragrance of your faith that I have cultivated in your heart. Know that I am always present with you when the darkening storm clouds roll in and the vividly flashing lightning reveals little but the storm-tossed trees bending before the wind; look for Me in the quietness of your heart where I am abiding, sheltering you from the turmoil. The chaos may rage around you, but I am protecting you under My covering hand.
Do not turn from Me at the time of your greatest need, but cling ever more tightly to the promises I have given you. Though all others forsake you, and your closest ones turn from you, I will never leave or abandon you, My love, for I am your most faithful friend, abiding closer than a brother, and making a way when there seems to be no way.
Receive the hope of My appearing, for though the dawn seems long in arriving, I will arise in magnificent splendor as the clouds break apart and you will see My glory in your life as I receive you into My rest. You are Mine, and I will never let go of your hand.

May you approach the Lord as a child, in confidence and joy, in eagerness and enthusiasm, in openness and vulnerability, for the kingdom of God and the blessings of Christ belong to those who do. Mark 10

May you seek the Lord in desperate eagerness and humility, accepting the teaching of God’s Word and the leading of God’s Spirit, so that you may receive His love and His life. Mark 10

May the Lord rise up and help you when you are brought down to the dust, and redeem you because of His unfailing love. Psalm 44

May the Lord not hide His face or forget your misery and oppression, but rouse Himself on your behalf and accept you as His own. Psalm 44

May you always remember, with praise and thanksgiving, the name of the Lord your God, turning from and rejecting the foreign gods sought for by the world, for He knows the secrets of the heart and will reward you according to your intent and your choice. Psalm 44

May the Lord accept you, and uplift you, and may He give you victory in your struggles, bringing down the foes who come against you. Psalm 44

May you have the tongue of the righteous, which is like choice silver, and the lips of the godly which nourish many. Proverbs 10:20-21


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