February 20

John 1:1,4 In the beginning was the Word, … In Him was life, and the life was the light of all people.

Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Philippians 1:6 The One who started a good work in you will stay with you to complete the job by the day of Christ Jesus.

John 15:4 Remain in Me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in Me.

May you walk in the calling that God has given you, not in one that you take upon yourself or have been assigned by a person without the testimony of the Word and the witness of the Spirit in your heart and through Christ’s Body, for it is so often not what you do, as much as it is why you do it, that allows the blessings of God to be released. Leviticus 9

May you recognize the need to do spiritual duty each day, redeeming the time, so that you may give account to your Master with joy. Leviticus 9

May you minister to the Lord with an humble spirit and a contrite heart, knowing and confessing your need for Christ’s atonement to purify and the Spirit to give life as you obediently follow His leading. That is when the glory of the Lord will appear and the fire of the Lord will fall and joy will fill the hearts of the people as they worship. Leviticus 9

May you be obedient in following the Lord in all that He says to do, and be equally diligent not to seek the glory He gives to another, or to go beyond His leading to add to His work from your own understanding, for the carnal mind is enmity to God. Leviticus 10

May your devotion to the Lord be true and pure, steadfast and quiet, seeking to know only what He has for you to learn and to do, not letting the success or failure of another sway you or shake you. Realize that each person stands alone before God, Who is holy in motive and righteous in judgment. He will be acknowledged as such by His servants as they minister to Him before the people. Leviticus 10

May you walk in the freedom of the Spirit through the righteousness of Christ that you may demonstrate the love of the Father, teaching by example how to distinguish between the holy and common, the clean and the unclean, sharing the truths that the Lord has revealed to you. Leviticus 10

May you seek that the proper order be taught and observed in worship and service to the King and Master, never forgetting the need for grace and mercy in the observation of His precepts and duties. Leviticus 10

I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. My plans stand firm forever, and My intentions can never be shaken. My will shall be done on earth, even as it is in heaven, and My kingdom shall endure forever.
I do not change, I do not lie. I am completely trustworthy, for I keep My promises. That is why I have drawn you to Me, sealed you with My Holy Spirit of promise, and sent you forth equipped in My Spirit to make disciples of whosoever will, from the highways and the byways, from the country lanes and the hedges, for My house shall be full. The people whom I have called and formed for Myself will declare My praise as I reveal My manifold wisdom in accordance with the eternal purpose of the redemption I have purchased for you who are My inheritance.
You are a chosen tribe, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for My own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of My will, My plan, My purpose in calling you out of darkness into the marvelous light of My Word. Receive My comfort, that you may comfort others in the same distress; accept My healing of your body, your mind, your heart, your spirit, that you may bring My healing to others who are suffering and in pain.
I will guide you continually as you draw out your soul to the hungry. I will attend to your necessities as you care for those to whom I send you. I am not the Head of misers nor the Leader of those who oppress the poor; I am the First-Born of many brethren who carry the heart of the Father to His lost, wounded, and wandering children.
Let My life flow to those around you – they will either reject it and I will move you on, or they will be added to My kingdom, walking in the abundance of My life and the blessings of My promises as they go the way I lead them. They, too, will be My witnesses to others of Who I am to them, just as you have demonstrated to them My love and My power to change your heart and your life.
So draw near, My child, daily, hourly, moment by moment, walk in My presence, let Me shed My joy abroad through your heart that My comforts may delight your soul.

May you diligently sow the seed of God’s word as He directs, trusting the Spirit to brood over the life in the Word as you go about your duties to the Father while the working of His grace proceeds as He wills. Though it starts small, it is not to be despised, neither despaired over, for when the harvest comes, rejoicing will be full. Mark 4

May you not be afraid, but have faith that the Lord cares for you and is concerned about you, whether He calms the storm around you or remains in the boat with you through the storm. In His presence is safety and refuge apart from circumstances, and peace that is not a reflection from the world but the nature of God. Mark 4

May you not be distressed when people overlook the glorious victories and eternal changes completed by God’s Spirit in your life and instead focus only on the material or natural changes that your new lifestyle effects. Mark 5

May the law of God be in your heart and your tongue speak what is just, for your feet will not slip and you will utter the wisdom of God, in His righteousness. Psalm 37

May you wait for the Lord and keep His way, for He will exalt you to inherit the land when the wicked are cut off. Psalm 37

May you take refuge in the Lord and make Him your stronghold in time of trouble, for the salvation of the righteous comes from Him and He helps them and delivers them, saving them from the wicked. Psalm 37

May you walk in the way of the godly, crowned with an abundance of blessings from God, for violence will overwhelm the mouth of the wicked. Proverbs 10:6

May you be encouraged by the memory of the righteous and the promises the just have been given from the Lord as you are refreshed by the fragrance of the lives of the godly, knowing that the name of the wicked will be extinguished and their reputation will disintegrate. Proverbs 10:7


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