February 16

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

2 Samuel 5:17-19 When the Philistines heard that David had been crowned king of Israel, they tried to capture him; but David was told that they were coming and went into the stronghold. The Philistines arrived and spread out across the valley of Rephaim. Then David asked the Lord, ‘shall I go out and fight against them? Will you defeat them for me?’

Psalm 33:4 The word of the Lord is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.

Psalm 119:18 Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.

John 9:25 He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

Jeremiah 15:16 Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart, for I am called by your name, O Lord, God of hosts.

May you know that Christ Jesus, through His love for us, gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and acceptable sacrifice to God, once for all, shedding His blood in atonement for our sin, that we might be received into the fellowship of the family of God, requiring no further blood sacrifice for sin on our part. Leviticus 1

May you present yourself as a living and holy sacrifice to God, on account of His mercies and compassions, to provide your reasonable offering of spiritual service. Leviticus 2, Romans 12

May you bring to God daily the sacrifice of thankfulness from a spirit and heart broken of pride and emptied of ego, with oil giving the wisdom of the Spirit to soften your service, frankincense giving the humility to sweeten your fellowship, and salt giving the endurance of trust to your relationship with God and man. Leviticus 3

May you daily find that solitary place where you can pray, giving yourself to God in fellowship, and listening for His direction, that you may receive the wisdom, compassion, understanding, and power that will enable you to minister to the needs of those around you through the Word of God. Mark 1

May you not be fooled into believing you are whole and complete, without need and having no short-comings apart from Christ, but be blessed with spiritual understanding to see the terminal and desperate need of your heart which only the Lord can meet, for if you can maintain that constant sense of need and remain ever aware of your desperation, God’s blessings can flow through you without hindrance. Mark 2

Know that in Me, My child, you have life, not merely breath and consciousness, but true vibrant awareness of My majesty and glory, ever-increasing understanding of, and gratitude for, My work in your heart and soul and mind, relief from the burdening lies of the enemy of your soul and freedom from the imprisoning appetites of the flesh.
This is the life of the Spirit which gives you feet like deer to jump from rock to crag on the high mountains, exuberance where formerly there was fear, confidence where formerly there was doubt, joy where formerly there was anxiety.
Even as the path I lead you on takes you from the mountain top to the valleys, you will find along the path continued abundance of the life I give, so that you have light when the shadows grow deep and safety when your path takes you near the lair of the predator, for I am always with you, and will never forsake or abandon you. My eye is always upon you and I am never distracted from, or disinterested in, you.
Walk with Me in My joy and discover new depths of My love for you. Work with Me in My harvest and learn of My compassion for others. Pray with Me in the silent hours and learn of My sorrows for those who are blind and deaf to My pleadings. Rejoice with Me over each one who heeds the call in their heart and, looking up, turns to Me and starts learning and receiving the true life which I have come to give to all.

May the Lord rescue your life from the ravages of the enemy who goes about like a lion, seeking whom he may devour. Psalm 35

May you give thanks to the Lord in the great assembly and praise Him among throngs of people for the marvelous things He has done for you. Psalm 35

May the Lord, Who knows the enemy’s lies and accusations against you, not be silent or asleep, but arise to your defense and contend for you, vindicating you in His righteousness. Psalm 35

May those who plot against innocent men minding their own business and accusing others of the wrong-doing they engage in be denied the victory they seek by the Lord. Psalm 35

May all who gloat over your distress be put to shame and confusion. Psalm 35

May all who exalt themselves over you be clothed with shame and disgrace. Psalm 35

May those who delight in your vindication shout for joy and gladness and always say, “The Lord be exalted, who delights in the well-being of His servant.” Psalm 35

May your tongue speak of the Lord’s righteousness and of His praises all day long. Psalm 35


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