February 03

John 6:35 Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life.”

1 John 4:9 This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him.

John 6:29 Jesus answered and said to them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent.”

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Colossians 3:2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

James 1:22 Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.

May you know that the fervent, effectual prayer that you offer to God will sway the balance and determine the outcome of the work being done, just as Moses’ lifted arms and outstretched staff, both as encouragement to Joshua and the warriors and appeal to the Lord, makes the work of the sword effective, not the other way around. Exodus 17

May you find fellowship through the sharing of the testimonies of God as you relate the deeds God has done for you and the truth God has shown to you, so that God receives the honor, others rejoice in His goodness, and you are strengthened in your faith. Exodus 18

May you seek after God’s wisdom for balance in doing God’s work, and may you recognize and receive it as from God, though it comes through unexpected sources, that you may be guided by grace to avoid over-doing in well-doing, and lead by understanding to help make others useful. Exodus 18

May you obey the Lord fully and keep His new covenant of grace, so that out of all the people of the world, you will be part of His treasured possession, for though the whole world is the Lord’s, He has called you to be for Him a kingdom of priests and a holy people. Exodus 19

May you always put your trust in the Lord as you hear Him speaking into your heart. Exodus 19

May the love for God draw you close to the Father so the love of God flows out from and is expressed in your life to those around you, thereby fulfilling all the commands of the Law and the demands of the prophets. Matthew 22

May you walk fully in the teachings of the Lord while avoiding the practices of men, obeying God away from the praise of men so that you may receive the blessings of the Lord. Matthew 23

May you avoid the show of righteousness before men so that you will possess the benefit of right standing before God. Matthew 23

May you always value your brothers equally and esteem all as greater than yourself, never exalting one higher than the rest, for only God is greater than all. Matthew 23

My child, never forget that you are a debtor to Me. You owe the same debt each child does to their parent who gave them life and supplied their needs.
You owe the debt of honor to esteem Me for Who I am. You owe the debt of obedience to acknowledge My wisdom which guides you safely. But above all, you owe a debt of love because of My justice which, tempered by mercy and grace, accepted the blood-payment willingly and freely given by My Son to redeem you from death and bring you into My throne room.
This debt is not paid back to Me, My dear one. This debt is paid forward to the exhausted who need to be encouraged, to the feeble who need to be strengthened, to the anxious who need to know that I will be to them all that I have been to you.
It is a debt that can never be fully paid off, My love, but do not lose heart or despair at the prospect, for I am with you, providing the resources you use to pay that debt of love to each I bring you to. It is not your resources that you are using, but Mine. You are My hands to the world, and I fill My hands with good things from the Father’s heart.
Be strengthened by My might and in the knowledge that you can do all things through My Spirit as you abide in the Vine, for therein do you bear much fruit.

May the Lord hear your voice when you call to Him, and be merciful to answer you. Psalm 27

When your heart hears the Lord say, “Come and talk with me, O my beloved,” may your spirit and will respond, “Lord, I am coming.” Psalm 27

May the Lord not hide Himself or angrily reject you when you are trying to find him. He has been your help in all your trials before, so He will not forsake you now. Psalm 27

May the Lord tell you what to do and make it plain when you are surrounded by ambushing enemies. Psalm 27

May the Lord teach you His way and lead you in a straight path because of your oppressors. Psalm 27

May the Lord frustrate the desire of your foes for though they accuse you falsely and breathe out violence against you, He will not let you fall into their hands. Psalm 27

May you in faith expect the Lord to rescue you again so that once more you will see His goodness to you in the land of the living. Psalm 27

May you not feel impatient but be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring as you wait, hope for, and expect the Lord to come and save you. Psalm 27

May the jealous fury of the Lord your God bring security and comfort to your heart, for the enemy who attempts to touch you, the beloved of the Lord, will find wounds and constant disgrace are his lot, and no mercy will be shown in His day of vengeance, nor will any bribe, regardless the amount, be accepted from the enemy foolish enough to come against the one the Lord protects as He would the pupil of His eye. Proverbs 6:31-35


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