October 09

Acts 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

Romans 8:26 The Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought.

Deuteronomy 13:4 It is the Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him.

Isaiah 26:4 KJV Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength:

Joel 2:13 And rend your heart and not your garments. Now return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and relenting of evil.

Proverbs 16:7 When a man’s ways are pleasing to YHWH, He makes even his enemies live at peace with him.

May you know that the Lord is always righteous and His judgments are forever just, causing the wicked, whose ways prosper, and the faithless, who live at ease, who always have the Lord on their lips but never near their hearts, to be set apart for the day of calamity, for this life is the only reward they have, and they have no hope after death but destruction. Jeremiah 12

May you rejoice that the Lord knows you and tests your thoughts about Him, that you may be led into all truth by His Holy Spirit, finding freedom from oppression, refuge from the devourer, and strength to overcome your own desires, becoming a useful and productive servant about your Master’s service, working in humble obedience and resting in intimate relationship with the Father. Jeremiah 12

May you consider how you should behave when confronted by the present opposition and influence of the wicked, for in the times to come, when their power of presence will increase, you will be able to manage as you rely on the wisdom and grace of the Lord now, depending on the authority of His Word and the power of His Spirit as you walk in the truth of His promises. Jeremiah 12

May you see how so many of those who call on the name of the Lord but resist the leading of the Spirit and deny the truth of the Word, turning from the ways of God, are speckled with the pollution of this life, mixing the vanity of the world with the traditions of religion, bringing desolation to the land. Jeremiah 12

May you have the wisdom to see and recognize the confusion that results when the unrepentant seek to escape God’s judgment, for shepherds will pasture in vine-yards and thorns will grow where wheat is sown, the pleasant and productive land will become desolate and parched, and the people will bear the shame of an empty harvest, having nothing to show for their labor. Jeremiah 12

May you be willing to open your hands to those who were enemies and teach God’s truth with compassion to all who will learn God’s ways, for unless they listen, they will be doomed. Jeremiah 12

My child, would you be content to know your spouse only through a dating agency and never speak to one another apart from that time?
Do you feel satisfaction would be possible if a third party conveyed each side of your conversation to the other, with no direct contact, eye to eye, hand to hand, heart to heart?
How much intimacy would be lost by hearing from an official go-between about how your beloved feels for you?
How freely would you be able to pour out your heart into the ears of one who, though caring, diligent, and willing, is not your beloved?
My love for you, My precious one, is too personal to be conveyed through an agency or an organization; though you may hear of Me through others, you can only come to know Me through seeking on your own, heart to heart, and allowing My Spirit to open My Word to you.
Let relationship bind you to Me, growing with the experiences of each day as you bring them to Me and share your heart, the cares and despairs, the fears and joys, the triumphs and defeats. Let My Word give you wisdom and understanding for what is past that you may be strengthened for what is to come.
When you meet another one who also knows Me, you will each recognize the evidence of My presence in the other by the witness of My Spirit inside you. That which you have received of Me will be of comfort and strength to the other as you share with each other of My love and My glory.
The vision you have received of Me will be made more complete by what others testify to about Me. There is great benefit to fellowship between members of My Body, but only those who know Me personally, individually, can worship Me collectively. Together, there is strength in the unity that I bring out of diversity, but it is only between those who have submitted to Me individually by turning their hearts in contrition to Mine.
To know of someone, even when you study every detail about that one, is not to be known by the person, no matter how much you care. You must go to that one, face to face, and get to know them personally.
Do not depend on the experiences of others, My dear one, but know Me for yourself so that you may be known and accepted by Me.

May you allow the Lord to bind you to Himself as His own, for His renown and praise and honor, listening to the word of the Lord and obeying the prompting of the Spirit, lest you be distracted by the pride of your knowledge and “achievements” and led away by your desires and “entitlements,” becoming useless in His work. Jeremiah 13

May you hear and pay attention without arrogance when the Lord speaks, giving glory to your God Who brings the light of your hope lest your feet stumble in the darkening hills, for if you do not listen, your pride will leave you in thick darkness and deep gloom as the flock of the Lord is taken captive. Jeremiah 13

May you rejoice in that, while you are helpless against natural depravity and challenged by strong habits of sin, unable to master your headstrong appetites, the Lord urges you to seek help from Him Who is mighty to save and Who sends His Spirit to create in you a clean heart, for things which are impossible for men are possible with God, Who scatters the unclean like chaff before the desert wind but receives the humbly repentant with grace and compassion. Jeremiah 13

May your desire be to see the name of the Lord glorified rather than your comfort maintained; may you weep for the sins that sorrow the Lord rather than for the judgment that they bring; may you confess in humility the wrong-doing that permeates the society and turns the culture from seeking God’s forgiveness in times of distress, making the Hope of Heaven to be like a traveling stranger who stays only a night; may you dread the departure of God’s grace more than the loss of your pride. Jeremiah 14

May your work in the service of the Lord be produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thessalonians 1

May you not only speak the words of God with your lips, but also feel the power of the Spirit in your heart as it mortifies the flesh, making the desires of the world grow dim, and lifting your spirit to dwell on heavenly things. 1 Thessalonians 1

May you not try to please men, but God, as you preach the gospel, not using flattery or masking greed, for the Lord tries your heart and will show you if you are seeking praise. 1 Thessalonians 2

May you turn to God in your time of desperate need, that His mercy may come quickly to meet you and God your Savior help you for the glory of His name, delivering you and forgiving your sins for His name’s sake, preserving, by the strength of His arm those condemned to die, that you may join with the rest of His people, the sheep of His pasture, and praise Him forever, always recounting His praise. Psalm 79


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