September 26

A young bearded man wearing glasses and relaxed clothing is seated crosslegged on the floor with filled bookshelves on either side of large windows letting the morning sunlight in. Next to his beverage cup and saucer is a potted plant resting in the sunlight. He is holding an open book he is reading and has other books open on the floor in front of him.

Hebrews 13:5 God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths

Matthew 6:15 If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins

Hebrews 6:10 God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.

1 Timothy 6:12 Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Romans 12:8 If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

May you realize that the Lord Who has called you is worth hearing, and that you are well-advised to give your attention to the One Who is the first and the last, Whose own hand laid the foundations of the earth and Whose right hand spread out the heavens, for God is the One before Whom they all stand up together when He summons, and as you obey, you will be blessed. Isaiah 48

May you know that the Lord, even your God, is He Who teaches you what is best for you, and leads you in the way you should go, for if you pay attention to His commands, your peace will be like a river & your righteousness like the waves of the sea, and those He brings to you, and those who come from you, will be like the numberless grains of sand. Isaiah 48

May you go in obedience to His sending, in the leading of the Spirit, announcing with shouts of joy, and proclaiming to the ends of the earth, that the Lord has redeemed His servants, and He will provide their needs as they seek Him with their hearts. Isaiah 48

May you understand that before you were born, the Lord called you, and from your birth He has known your name, for He has shaped you and protected you, forming you according to His will, that He will have in you a willing servant through whom to display His splendor, and your reward is in the Lord’s hand. Isaiah 49

May you willingly accept that the Lord has formed you in the womb to be His servant to show God’s redemption to His people and to call His own to Himself, thus you are honored in the eyes of the Lord and your God is your strength. Isaiah 49

May you be confident that in the time which God favors He will answer you, and in the day of salvation He will help you, keeping and protecting you so that, through you, He may demonstrate the promises and certainty of His covenant, made in the blood of His Son, to bring restoration and an inheritance to His own, giving freedom to captives and setting at liberty those in darkness. Isaiah 49

May you be guided by Him Who has compassion on you, for He will lead you beside springs of water, feeding you beside the roads and finding provision on every barren hill so that you will neither hunger nor thirst nor will the desert heat or the sun beat upon you, for the Lord will turn all His mountains into roads & His highways will be raised up. Isaiah 49

May you shout for joy with those in the heavens and rejoice with all those on the earth, bursting into song on the mountains, for the Lord comforts His people and will have compassion on His afflicted ones. Isaiah 49

May you rejoice in the understanding that the Lord will never forsake you or abandon you, but always remember you, for though a mother might have no compassion on her child, He has engraved you on His palms and can never forget you. Isaiah 49

May you comprehend the fact that the Lord is God when you see the blessings He will provide you, for those who hope in Him will not be disappointed. Isaiah 49

May you be filled with joy at the trustworthy promise of God to retrieve the captives from warriors, and regain plunder from the fierce, for the Lord will contend with those who contend with you, & He will save your children as He destroys their oppressors, & then all mankind will know that He, the Lord, is your Savior, your Redeemer, your Mighty One! Isaiah 49

My child, you are bought with a price, a very high price, indeed! The price was willingly paid, and your debt was gladly redeemed from the hand of the one who held it. But do not think that you have been reclaimed from the tormenting captivity of an enemy to be a free spirit. You are a babe in the woods; you have no strength, no understanding, no defense against the powers that prowl.
You have been accepted and adopted into the family of God, and the Father has placed His seal upon you, covering you with His protecting care, assigning designated guardians to watch over you. But until you grow in the Word and the Spirit to a maturity and an understanding of who you are in Me, you are constrained by boundaries and restricted by rules, watched over by lovingly strict taskmasters and guarded by compassionately fierce warriors.
As you learn lessons designed for your growth and needs, you are expected to take part in the work of the kingdom, doing age-appropriate tasks and completing complementary assignments. These are designed to reveal more lessons and areas of growth with the purpose of answering your questions. As you walk this out, the understanding you gain from obediently following My Spirit’s leading reveals Me more clearly to and through your spirit.
These times and guides can chafe on occasion, My love. I understand and offer the comfort of My presence as you work through it. Do not draw back or seek to change direction, for it only delays the time until we can rejoice together in the light and know the full joy of fellowship one with another. Submit to the training, hard though it is, and yield your heart to be taught with the loving discipline that marks a true and beloved child of the Father. The time is short, the night is near, and there is work to be done.
Come, take My hand, walk in My faith, receive My strength, for it only requires your agreement; I am your Source for all that is required.

May you be there in the day of the Lord, and may you answer when He calls, knowing with full confidence that His arm is not too short to ransom you and He has the strength to rescue you. Isaiah 50

May you not draw back, but be obedient when the Sovereign Lord wakens you morning by morning, teaching as you listen, opening your ears and giving you an instructed tongue to know the words that sustain the weary. Isaiah 50

May you not hide yourself from those who mock you, and offer your back to those who spitefully use you, for as you set your face like flint to obediently follow Him, the Sovereign Lord will help you, and you will not be disgraced or put to shame. Isaiah 50

May you not fear your accuser but confront the one who brings condemning charges against you, facing him without anxiety, for the One Who vindicates you is near, and it is the Sovereign Lord Who helps you. Isaiah 50

May you fear the Lord and obey the word of His servant so that, even though you walk in the dark with no light, you can trust in the name of the Lord and rely on your God. Isaiah 50

May you no longer live as others do, in the futility of their thinking, darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of hardened hearts, always indulging in, and desiring more, impurity, but put off your old self and put on the new self, with a new attitude of mind, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4

May you speak only what is useful for building others up according to their needs, that it may help those who hear. Ephesians 4

May you get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, with every form of malice, and be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ, God forgave you. Ephesians 4

May you continually look for God, till it seems your eyes will fail, and may you never cease to call to Him for help, though your throat becomes parched, for because Christ was willing to pay what He did not owe, when you hope in Him you will not be disgraced, and when you seek Him you will not be put to shame. Psalm 69

May you pray to the Lord that in the time that He favors, by His great love, you will be answered with His great salvation, and you will not sink into the mire, but He will deliver you from the deep waters of those who hate you, and the depths of the floodwaters will not close over you. Psalm 69

May you see the goodness of the Lord’s love when, in His great mercy, He turns to you and answers you quickly, coming near and redeeming you because of your foes. Psalm 69

May you seek the Lord for wisdom, for it gives great power, and may you study God’s ways, for His knowledge increases strength. Proverbs 24:5

May you seek for, and rely on, the Lord’s guidance in the spiritual war raging around you, and may He provide you many advisors who know the mind of the Lord, that you may walk in His victory. Proverbs 24:6


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