September 20

A smooth, gently winding path, surrounded by wildflowers, meanders under the shade of a large, old tree before continuing through the meadow towards the foothills which prepare the traveler for the mountains in the distance.

3 John 1:11 Beloved, follow not that which is evil, but that which is good. He that doeth good is of God: but he that doeth evil hath not seen God.

1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

Joshua 3:4 Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before.

Isaiah 43:1 But now, this is what the Lord says—He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.”

Deuteronomy 28:2 All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God:

2 Corinthians 5:9 So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him.

May you draw near enough to know the power of God once you have heard from afar what He has done, for then, with repentance and in submission as you walk in reverent honor to and respectful awe of God, you can dwell in Zion everlastingly with Him Who is a consuming fire. Isaiah 33

May you turn from the ways of the world and reject the wickedness of the enemy, choosing to speak what is right and walking in the way the Lord leads you, not listening to those who speak evil or gazing on the displays of the lustful, for the one whose hands are cleansed and whose heart is purified will dwell on the heights with Him Who is our eternal fortress, and Whose abundance never diminishes. Isaiah 33

May your speech and behavior reflect God’s nature, even as your deeds and your thoughts reject the enemy’s influence, so that you may dwell on the heights of God and take refuge in the fortress of His mountain, for your eyes will see the king in His beauty and view a land that stretches afar as your thoughts consider where the oppressors have gone. Isaiah 33

May you look upon Zion, the city of festivals, and your eyes see Jerusalem, a peaceful abode, for there the Lord will be your Mighty One, where no enemy will be found, for the Lord is your judge, your lawyer, your king – it is He who will save you. Isaiah 33

May you look into God’s Word and read what is written, for it is His mouth that has spoken it and His Spirit will cause it to happen, as His Hand is stretched out to perform it – it will stand firm forever, enduring from generation to generation. Isaiah 34

May you strengthen the feeble hands and steady the knees that give way, saying to those with fearful hearts, “Be strong, do not fear; your God will come with vengeance and divine retribution to save you,” for then the land will be glad and the wilderness blossom, rejoicing greatly to see the glory of the Lord and splendor of our God, and the afflicted will be healed and worship, giving honor to the King. Isaiah 35

May you be among the redeemed and walk with the ransomed, that you may return from captivity on the highway called the Way of Holiness, for no unclean traveler will journey there and wicked fools will not go about on it, nor will any lion or ferocious beast be found there. It is only for those who walk in the way of the Lord so that you can enter Zion singing, with everlasting joy crowning your head, for gladness and joy will overtake you as sorrow and sighing flees away. Isaiah 35

May you remain silent, as the King has commanded, and give no reply when the enemy speaks to offer compromise for avoiding battle, promising benefits like God’s blessings, claiming authority where he has none, and speaking of captivity and slavery as desirable. Isaiah 36

My child, give to those around you that which you have received from Me, for in yourself is found nothing commendable. But as you have found Me, you have found life and obtained favor from the Father. Let the Spirit of God write the Word of God on your heart, that it may order your steps and direct your paths, even as it is life in your mouth when you speak, and love in your hands as you minister to the needs of My people.
As you accept My reproof, you will be able to walk in humility to others as My servant to those I seek. As you learn the fear of the Lord, you will begin to walk in My wisdom before men. As you study My Word to show yourself approved, gaining experiential knowledge of Me, you will receive understanding and discernment from My Spirit.
Empty yourself, My precious one, for you are not bringing skills and talents to Me that I need to bolster My ratings or improve the odds in My favor. The filthy rags you hold in your hands with such pride are filled with corruption and spotted from the fleshly nature that is enmity to Me and ever seeking to pridefully resist My will. Those things that were gain to you in the world cannot pass through My cleansing fire, which prepares you for eternity, so you must count them as loss lest, if you chose to defend and protect them, you yourself suffer loss.
Still yourself, My love, and kneel before Me, waiting on Me, quiet in My presence. Do not come before Me commending yourself, but let My Word dwell richly in your heart. Let this humility be the law of your life as you go about the routine of your day. Return to Me daily, openly and honestly confessing successes and failures, learning more of Me and yielding more to Me that you may glory more in Me.
I have much stored up for you, My desired one, so look not on what I ask you to discard, but gaze on Me and see the love in My eyes for you; then, fear of loss will flee and dread of diminishing will disappear. You will be set free to accept all I have for you, and you will be equipped to share My life-giving love with all.

May you not use your freedom in God to indulge your sinful nature, but rather to serve others in love, thereby fulfilling the entire law. Galatians 5

May you be led by the Spirit so that you will not follow the desires of your sinful nature, which is contrary to the nature of God, and continually in conflict with it, but live by the Spirit so you will not die by the law. Galatians 5

May you keep in step with the Spirit since you live by the Spirit, having crucified your sinful nature’s passions and desires, and express the fruit of the Spirit, which is love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control, which are never against the law. Galatians 5

May you rejoice in the Lord, as all the righteous do, taking refuge in Him and praising Him in the uprightness of your heart. He will hear your lament and supplication, protecting you from the enemy’s threat and hiding you from the evildoer’s conspiracy, as He turns their intentions against themselves and destroys them with their own weapons. Psalm 64

May you be willing to pay the price to gain God’s truth, getting wisdom, discipline and understanding, keeping it close, cherishing it, and never selling or discarding it. Proverbs 23:23


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