September 19

In the foreground, a stack of pumpkins and other produce from the field rest at the end of long, harvested rows, disappearing from sight as the rolling land stretches off in the distance. Shady clumps of trees and underbrush remain at the edges of the cleared land where the ground is too rough to plant.

1 Corinthians 9:19 Though I am free and belong to no man, I make myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.

Romans 13:7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor

Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee: because he trusteth in Thee.

Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

Hebrews 12:14 Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration {and} holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord.

1 John 2:6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

May you find your strength and might in quietness and confidence toward the Lord, and your salvation and deliverance in repentance and rest in the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 30

May you wait for the Lord, Who is a God of justice, for He longs to be gracious to you, rising to show you compassion. Isaiah 30

May you cry to the Lord for help, for He is gracious and will answer as soon as He hears you. Isaiah 30

May you have ears to hear the Spirit of the Lord from behind you saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” for once you have known true communion with God then you will detest and discard those things on which you have relied and to which you have given the regard and devotion that belongs to your Creator. Isaiah 30

May you sow the ground liberally with good seed, for the Lord will send rain in the right season and the harvest from the land will be rich and plentiful. Isaiah 30

May you find, when bruised and wounded, that the Lord will bind the bruises and heal the wounds. Isaiah 30

May you sing as on the night when the Passover is kept and your heart rejoice as when people ascend the mount of the Lord playing flutes, for the Lord, the Rock of Israel, will shatter His enemies with His voice and strike them down with His scepter, and every stroke the Lord lays on them with His punishing rod will be to the music of tambourines and harps. Isaiah 30

May you look to the Holy One of Israel and seek help from the Lord, for He does not take back His words, and will rise up against the house of the wicked, those who help evildoers, and when the Lord stretches out His hand, he who helps will stumble and he who is helped will fall, both perishing together. Isaiah 31

May you return to Him Who has been revolted against, rejecting the idols your hands have made, for the Lord will shield you and deliver you, “passing over” you to rescue you, as His enemy is destroyed by a sword that is not of man and their stronghold will fall because of terror, because the Lord’s fire is in Zion and His furnace is in Jerusalem. Isaiah 31

My child, do you have needs? Turn to Me, asking Me in faith, to meet those needs. Do you have faith that I can meet your needs?
Consider My Word. I have promised that the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed before My kindness would depart from you. You have not simply a lifetime of kindness but an eternity of kindness from Me. Do you believe that will be sufficient? Then ask in that faith for My kindness in your situation.
Have you failed to obey My command and followed your own way to your sorrow, needing rescue and forgiveness? My Word states that the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. You will not be sent a person to preach a gospel of condemnation to you, or even an angel to pull you in front and another to push you from behind.
You have been promised none other than the One who is the highest, with the full measure of all grace, more than sufficient for you, My dear one, to not merely receive you and then turn you over to handlers to clean you up, but to perfect that which concerns you, seeing it through to the completion of what My plans for you include.
Are you confident that will suffice for what you need? Then ask in that confidence, given by My Spirit from My Word, and receive the grace, forgiveness, acceptance, and mercy in full measure, not doubting.
Come to Me for every need, My loved one, come to Me bearing the promises of My Word, your daily bread, the strength for today, with thanksgiving springing from faith, and find liberty and freedom from want and need.

May you be grateful for the promise of the Lord to have a King reign in righteousness and nobles who serve with justice, each one like a shelter from the wind and a refuge from the storm, as the Spirit of God moves through them flowing like refreshing streams of water in the desert and blowing like a cooling wind from the shade of a great rock in an exhausted land. Isaiah 32

May the Spirit pour out upon you from on high when you rise from complacency and listen to what the Lord has to say, for just as you have mourned for the desolation and abandonment that is to come, so you will be blessed when justice dwells in the desert and righteousness lives in the field, for the fruit of righteousness will be peace and the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. Isaiah 32

May you long for the Lord to be gracious to you, that He will be your strength every morning and your salvation in time of distress, that at the sound of His voice the multitudes flee and when He rises up, the nations scatter. Isaiah 33

May you find that the fear of God is the key to the treasure of His presence, for as you exalt the Lord, Who dwells on high, He will fill Zion with justice and righteousness and form the sure foundation for your times, providing a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge. Isaiah 33

May you stand firm and do not let yourself be burdened by a yoke of slavery again, for Christ has set you free. Galatians 5

May you not be alienated from Christ through trying to be justified by the law, causing you to fall away from grace, but rather, by faith, eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which you hope, as your faith expresses itself through love. Galatians 5

May you praise the Lord as long as you live and lift up your hands in His name, glorifying Him with your lips because His love is better than life. Psalm 63

May you remember the Lord on your bed, thinking of Him through the watches of the night, singing in the shadow of His wings because He is your help, clinging to Him because His right hand upholds you. Psalm 63


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