September 12

An elderly balding man in a room is wearing glasses and holding a fork while he is seated on a mound of indeterminate materiel, surrounded by trash and facing a closed cabinet with a key in its lock.

Psalm 119:144 CEB The psalmist wrote, “Your laws are righteous forever. Help me understand so I can live!”

John 15:7 NIV If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.

Psalm 42:1 NASB As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for Thee, O God.

Proverbs 15:14 NLT A wise person is hungry for knowledge, while the fool feeds on trash.

Proverbs 13:10 NIV Where there is strife, there is pride, but wisdom is found in those who take advice.

John 17:3 NKJV And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

May you not seek to deprive the poor of their rights or withhold justice from the widows and fatherless, but fulfill the righteous judgments of God rather than the oppressive decrees of man, casting your bread upon the waters and sharing your riches among those who cannot repay; for on the day of reckoning, in the time of disaster, you can reap mercy since you have sown mercy. Isaiah 10

May you speak as you hear the Father speak, and do as you see the Father do, neither adding to nor removing from what He has decreed, lest when you have finished, you find that God has added to you the plagues of His punishment and removed your share in the Tree of Life. Isaiah 10 Revelation 22

When the Light of Israel becomes a fire and your Holy One a flame burning and consuming the thorns and briers facing you, may you then turn to the Mighty God and truly rely on the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 10

May you not fear the adversary who beats you with a rod and comes against you with a club for when the anger of God completes your discipline, the wrath of God will accomplish their destruction. Isaiah 10

May you know that when the Lord brings victory over the enemy, the anointing of the Lord, the blessings of God, will break the yoke from your neck and lift their burdens from your shoulders. Isaiah 10

May you abide in the Shoot that comes up from the stump of Jesse, that Branch which is rooted in the Promise of the Father, so that you may delight in the respectful obedience to the Lord and rejoice in His Spirit. It is the in-dwelling Spirit Who directs and influences you with the gifts of His wisdom and understanding, His counsel and power, His knowledge and truth, developing in you the reverential awe of the Lord which gives life and bears fruit to honor the Father. Isaiah 11, John 15

May you be a banner in the hand of the Lord, bearing His message writ large, to be read by all and to assemble the remnant scattered among the nations. Isaiah 11

May you draw His people, in all their diversity, into the unity of the Body, overcoming the enemy of the Lord as His called ones come together into the kingdom of God. Isaiah 11

My child, be mindful of My many blessings to you, and forget not all My benefits in your life. Pray without ceasing to give praise, and make your requests known to the Father with thanksgiving. Count your blessings with every breath, and understand the abundance of My provision for you.
Let every breath in be received as a gift from My hand, and every breath out be a praise spoken in My name. Understand that it is My hand that upholds the very fabric of your life, and that no one stands by their own strength. Just as the sun rises and the rain falls on the just and unjust alike at My command, so also I bring the blessing of life and breath to all equally.
Consider any time when you have been short of breath, or could not get enough air. You feel a sense of desperation immediately, and begin to struggle in seconds. That which you have given no thought to becomes paramount in your eyes, and when you once again begin to breathe freely, you give no more thought to the matter.
Yet I have placed the forests and grasslands across the world to give you breath for your body, and have filled the oceans with life to create the air you breathe. Can you not see that My arm is not shortened, nor is My hand weakened?
The riches of the world are Mine, for I have created them, and the treasures of heaven are Mine, for the Father has given Me them, just as I give all things to those who love Me, who seek Me with their whole heart, who understand the fear of the Lord, who choose to willingly obey My Word and submit their will to the leading of My Spirit.
I am the One able to keep you from falling, not yourself. I am the awesome and mighty Lord of heaven and earth, and I care enough about you to make sure you stand firm to the end. I am jealous over you, and will not allow anything to stand between your heart and Mine.
My anger is against any that would touch you without loving you as much as I do, and My chastening is upon you when your love is drawn away to anything other than Me. Is there anyone who has done as much for you as I have? Is there anyone with whom you should converse more than Me?
Meditate on My gift to you of breath, and let your love for Me grow as you understand better My passion for you. Receive My gift and praise Me, continually.

May you very gladly spend for others everything you have and expend yourself as well, that God’s love be shown and God’s command obeyed. 2 Corinthians 12

May you speak as Christ’s servant with God as your witness, that everything you do will be to strengthen others, to build up His Beloved. 2 Corinthians 12

May you trust in God when your accusers hotly pursue you all day long, attacking you in their pride. Psalm 56

May you praise His Word when you are afraid, for what can separate you from God’s love? Psalm 56

May your tears be listed in God’s record, for then God in His anger will bring down the principalities that twist your words and plot to harm you, even though they watch your steps to take your life. Psalm 56

May the Lord Whose Word you praise and the God in Whom you trust cause your enemies to turn back when you call for help, and by this you will know that God is for you. Psalm 56

May you present your thank offerings to God as you pay your vows to Him, for He has delivered you from death and kept your feet from stumbling. Therefore, walk before God in the light of life. Psalm 56

May you freely set before others a generous feast of God’s truth filled with delicacies of the Bread of Life, having a willing heart to meet their needs. Give no thought to cost as you draw on the abundance of God, letting the Spirit of God in your heart overflow with the living water of His compassion to all who hunger for and seek after Him. That which comes from man’s heart alone is given with strings attached and tied to expectations. Proverbs 23:6-7


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