September 10

Proverbs 3:6 In all thy ways acknowledge [the Lord], and He shall direct thy paths.

James 4:8 Come near to God and He will come near to you.

2 Corinthians 2:14 Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing Him.

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

Isaiah 40:4 The crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth;

Luke 9:23 Then He said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be My follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow Me.”

May you come to see the Lord Almighty in His holiness once that which was formerly on the throne of your life dies and leaves it open for the King of kings to occupy. Isaiah 6

Even as the seraphim covered their face to show unquestioning obedience in fulfilling God’s assignments, may you step forth willingly into the harvest work trusting the truth of God’s Word and the leading of God’s Spirit without requiring all your questions answered or your vanities satisfied, burning, as the seraphim, with love to God and zeal for His glory. Isaiah 6

May you come in sorrow and repentance before the Lord for the uncleanness of the culture that we live in, that God’s fire may touch your lips and purge your heart, so you may speak the true and pure words of life to whom the Lord sends you. Isaiah 6

May you ever seek for the humbling enlightenment of the Spirit, always desiring to see with the loving eyes of the Lord, praying to hear the shattering voice of God in your heart, that you would not be given up to the delusion of comfort, but know and fear the awesome, shaking power of God, that you, and those of like heart, may understand and turn and be healed through His precious, divine mercies. Isaiah 6

May you walk with care, remain calm and not fear when you hear of circumstances, or see situations arise against you, but trust in the Lord. Isaiah 7

May you stand firm in your faith before God, for then you will not fall. Isaiah 7

May you learn to despise and discount those spiritual powers of wickedness in high places which try to resist the unchangeable will of God and attempt to stand against His eternal righteousness, but only as you humble yourself in faith to the unalterable authority of God’s Word and by dependence on the quickening power of God’s Spirit rather than in your own strength or understanding, for the arm of flesh is no match for even the defeated foes of God. Isaiah 7

May you willingly and unhesitatingly, in humble acknowledgment of your own weakness and need, draw upon the resources of the Lord and the abundance of the Spirit when God offers, not turning from the Holy One in pride, disrespect or dissatisfaction and shrouding it with sanctimony or religion. Isaiah 7

My child, be secure in your faith and confident in your conviction. Do not rely on your own strength but, in honesty, acknowledge your weaknesses and confess your needs. I am present in My strength to supply what you are lacking, and I am watching over My word, which I have given you the authority to speak, to ensure that it accomplishes all that I desire of it.
Let the authority of My Word and the power of My Spirit bring the winds of change into your heart and renewal to your mind, even as I enable you to stand strong and immovable in the face of attack.
Do not think that you know all that you need, but remain humble and hungry, that I may grow you into the maturity of a serving son, even as I grew in favor with man and God. Cast the burden of your responsibilities and cares of life on Me, for I will sustain you.
Follow Me as your Shepherd, for I will send you as a lamb among wolves, and though they attack you, no harm will befall you, for My rod and My staff protect and comfort you, and My arm upholds and defends you.
In the dark night of your soul, that time which comes to all My children, when the wolves of doubt circle and press in, when the roar of the lion shatters the still of the night, recall My promises to contend with those who contend with you with My buckler and shield as I fight against those who fight against you.
When the light breaks through the darkness and you emerge into the newness of dawn, you will know, by personal experience, the effectual strength of My defense and you will realize, first-hand, the comprehensiveness of My protection. You can then confidently and authoritatively relate the eternal truth of My promises to those just starting to need it.
Obey Me willingly in the work I assign you, My precious one. Approach it with enthusiasm for you have the confidence that nothing you do for Me is ever useless, and time spent in My presence is never wasted.
I do not call you to meaningless tasks, fruitless endeavors or purposeless routines, My love. Though you may not see the result or understand the goal, you can be certain by faith that the seed you plant, the love you share, the time you invest, the prayer you breath, the effort you put forth, in submission to My will and in obedience to My word, has My blessings upon it to multiply and increase My kingdom, and bring treasure to your eternal reward.

May you humble yourself according to the example of Christ, the Lord, Who made of Himself no reputation, but preferred others above Himself, speaking not of Himself, as fools do, but speaking and doing as God the Father desired, establishing the will and accomplishing the purpose on earth, as in heaven, of the Almighty, which mortal man, in his carnal mind, cannot understand and dismisses as weak and foolish. 2 Corinthians 11

May you praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus, and let any boasting you do be of the things that show your weakness, for therein is He shown strong. 2 Corinthians 11

May you speak your prayer to God to save you by His name and vindicate you by His might when strangers attack you and men without regard for God seek your life. Psalm 54

May you truly understand that God is your help, and the Lord is the one who sustains you. Psalm 54

May you sacrifice a freewill offering to the Lord as you praise His name, for it is good. Psalm 54

May you have revealed to you how, in His faithfulness, He has delivered you from all your troubles when your eyes look in triumph on your spiritual foes as their slanderous evil recoils upon themselves. Psalm 54


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