July 16

Ephesians 2:19 You are no longer strangers and aliens. Rather, you are fellow citizens with God’s people, and you belong to God’s household.

Colossians 2:9-10 For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority.

Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.

Psalm 73:28 …for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.

Psalm 24:3-4 Who may ascend into the hill of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? 4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart…

Ephesians 5:1-2 Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; 2 And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.

May you find that even in times of great tragedy the foundations will be laid for great victory, even as God established the location for His temple at the time plague devastated Jerusalem because of David’s presumptive sin. 1 Chronicles 22

May you work with all your might, filled with excitement and joy over the privilege of having a part in God’s plan, remaining obedient to the task you are given and devoting your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God. 1 Chronicles 22

May you be confident in the work of God, though you feel young and inexperienced, ill-prepared for the magnificence of the vision, for One Who went before you has made preparation for you; He has fulfilled each of His promises to you, calling you by name and giving you peace and rest around you with strength and life within you. 1 Chronicles 22

May the Lord give you discretion and understanding when He gives you an assignment in His harvest field, so that you may walk in the ways of the Lord, for then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws of the Lord; be strong and courageous and be not afraid or discouraged. 1 Chronicles 22

May you be given eyes to see the riches and abundance of resources you can call upon from God storehouse when doing God’s work, for He has mobilized the hosts of heaven to aid, support, and strengthen you as you are obedient to the heavenly calling and the divine vision. 1 Chronicles 22

May you work with an eager heart and willing hands at whatever task is given you, delighting greatly in God’s work and being satisfied in the blessing of God’s presence, for even the sons of Moses were simply counted among the Levites. 1 Chronicles 23

Be not circumscribed by your own boundaries, My child, or limited by your own understanding. Rather, let the life-giving flow of the Spirit fill you with the heavenly vision that I grant to each one willing to look up to Me and to look out from themselves.
In springtime the bud swells and grows on the plant when the life rises from the root. The buds open into the leaves that bring healing and produce the flowers whose fruit brings life to others. Even so, abide in Me as the True Vine, receiving the ministry of the Spirit and the life of the Word to share with those I bring you to.
Recall, My child, that I did not receive the in-dwelling of the Spirit and the anointing of the Father to live to Myself in a quiet corner of the land; instead, I addressed the congregations of the faithful and spoke in the market-places of the cities to those who would listen. I did not remain in the obscurity of My “father’s” carpentry shop but stepped out into the work My Father assigned Me.
As you seek Me in prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, My peace, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your heart and mind. With My peace bringing quiet and rest to your thoughts and emotions, you will be able to hear the soft, gentle whisper of My Spirit giving the direction and the leading for the next step. In trust and confidence you can move forward, not looking back, but setting your mind on the things that are above.
Be sober of spirit and alert of mind, for not all to whom you speak will be in agreement with the words that I give. My words, since they are Truth, bring division and polarization because My Spirit, watching over My Word to perform it, convicts the hearers of sin and righteousness and judgment. Those who know the fear of God and who hunger for the righteousness of Christ will answer the call, but those who prefer the darkness will allow the adversary to influence their words and deeds to move against all who bear My name.
Do not be afraid or allow yourself to be distracted, but stay fixed on the heavenly vision and calling you have received. As you persist in the work and endure to the end, you will find that though the way to the crown is through the cross, My grace is sufficient.
Reach out, My dear one, beyond yourself, and meet Me where the paths of others cross yours.

May you know the fear of God and keep it before your eyes so that you may find the way of peace as you seek God and His understanding, lest ruin and misery mark your way as it does for those without hope. Romans 3

May you not boast of what you have done, or rehearse all you have accomplished, relying on your deeds to defend or reward you, but know and accept your own guilt, seeking with hope the righteousness from God, which comes through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe Him to be the Son of God. Romans 3

May you always hold the Word of God dear to your heart and ever consider the laws of God holy, for He Who has left the sins you committed beforehand unpunished to demonstrate His justice, has expressed His faithful nature and exposed His caring heart in the scriptures He has given. Romans 3

May the Lord help when the godly are not to be seen and the faithful have vanished from among men, for then lies and deception are found everywhere, and men will claim to control their own lips and be their own masters until God cuts them off, for the words of the Lord are flawless like silver purified seven times, refined in a clay furnace. Psalm 12

May the Lord keep you safe and protect you forever from those who malign you because the wicked freely strut about when what is vile is honored among men. Psalm 12

May you give praise to God and extend thanks to the Lord for an insightful, prudent, and understanding spouse. Proverbs 19:14


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