June 29

Psalm 51:12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

2 Corinthians 4:16 That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.

John 15:5 Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.

Proverbs 14:26 In the fear of the Lord one has strong confidence, and his children will have a refuge.

Hebrews 12:2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

May you submit your soul to the discipline of the Lord, for the trials and testings of God which purify your faith are to be preferred over the turmoil and turbulence of the unrestrained heart which is influenced by the principalities of wickedness. 2 Kings 15

May you not attempt to remedy the effects of sin through another sin, but turn to God, your Redeemer, Whose Son has paid the price for every sin. 2 Kings 16

May you not forsake the true worship of God for idolatry and superstitions of man, for the pricking of your conscience before God is the Holy Spirit leading you to life, but the numbing of your heart is the enemy leading you into death. 2 Kings 16

May you not turn from the precepts of the Lord and ways of God to appease or prefer a neighbor lest you follow them downhill to destruction, but stand in the truth of the Word and the power of the Spirit and share the testimony of Jesus, perchance to lift your neighbor into life. 2 Kings 16

May you walk in a personal, intimate relationship with God, calling His name with passion and hearing your name with desire, so that even the enemies of God will know that you are in His hand, protected and cherished. Acts 19

May the love of God constrain you to turn your heart to the harvest, stepping away from all pursuits which hinder the work of the Word in renewing your mind and slows the handiwork of the Spirit in shaping your heart. Acts 19

May you know that the Word of God stills the endless accusations in your mind, and the Spirit of God ends the unceasing roarings of emotion in your heart which the enemy brings against you, as you persist in seeking the Lord through prayer, praise, devotions, and fellowship. Acts 19

Tarry before Me, My child, and wait in My presence with praise for Who I am and thanksgiving for what I have done. Dwell in Me, My hungry one, as your walls and barriers crumble, dismantled by the Holy Spirit, Who removes all separations and division in your heart and in your mind, in your thinking and in your actions, which isolate you from Me and from My children.
This is the work I am doing in your life, My lonely one, for as this progresses, you will receive power from My Spirit and gain authority from My Word to hold children in love, to heal the sick in compassion, to wash the feet of others in service.
The ways of the world must be unlearned, turned from, disavowed, for power and authority in that context is the means to control and subjugate others, bending their wills to serve at your pleasure.
The way of My kingdom is loving service for others, giving of your strength and substance to meet the needs in the lives of those I am drawing, ministering to those I have selected as heirs of salvation regardless of whether they have realized it or not.
The commandments of My kingdom are not burdensome once you lay down your pride and release your ego, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. The one who follows My way of love is the one to whom I will disclose Myself, and having seen Me, you will have seen the Father. Those who have known the Father find wisdom and gain understanding, receiving great peace, and are kept from stumbling.
What great joy there is to be free of condemnation from the power of sin and death, and to walk in the freedom of the authority of the Spirit of life and light!

May you praise the Lord, Who is good, which is pleasant and fitting, for He builds up His people, seeking and gathering His exiles, healing the broken-hearted and binding up their wounds. Psalm 147

May you praise the Lord, Who is great and mighty in power, and Whose understanding has no limit, knowing the number of the stars and calling each of them by name, for He sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground. Psalm 147

May you sing to the Lord with thanksgiving, making music to your God, for He covers the sky with clouds, though it hides the sun, supplying the earth with rain and making grass grow on the hills, thus providing food for the cattle, which lack wisdom or understanding, and for the young ravens, without beauty of form or pleasantness of cry when they call. Psalm 147

May you put your hope in His unfailing love as you express the fear of the Lord in reverential awe and respectful obedience, for the Lord delights in you more than in the strength of the horse or the ability of man. Psalm 147

May you extol the Lord and praise your God, for He strengthens your defenses and blesses you from the inside out, granting you peace with those around you and satisfying your needs with the truth of His Word. Psalm 147

May you praise the Lord for revealing His Word to you while you were still resisting His Spirit, and for teaching you His ways, sharing the secret, hidden things of God, as you sought Him in love. Psalm 147

May you believe deeply and fully in the Word of God, drinking long and satisfyingly from the well of the Spirit, receiving in abundance the life of the Father which will quicken your mortal body and flow from your innermost being through wisdom spoken with understanding and grace, giving support and encouragement to refresh the souls of others as a pure fountain bubbling up on a hot day in a dry land. Proverbs 18:4, John 7:38, Romans 8:11

May you walk in the righteousness of God, upholding His judgments, and seeking justice for the weak, the orphans, and the widows, resisting the proud, rejecting the bribes of the wealthy, giving grace and expressing compassion to the repentant, and encouraging those who are seeking to walk in the ways and commands of the Lord. Proverbs 18:5


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